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Sizing a mini split AC


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Jun 2, 2001
Looked online. some chart differ by 10000btus. have 2 rooms. 30 m2 and 25 m2.
Thanks in advance.
Measure your rooms, acount for kitchens, 2nd floor, people in rooms, windows, etc. Do a heat anaylisis and base unit off of that.
Theres a lot of calculators online to help
i got 30 m2 first room 20 m2 second room. 8ft high ceilings.
322 ft2 first room 215 ft2 second room. 8ft ceilings.
Using some online calculators. Keep getting different results. Big differences.
One thing to target is an adequate cycle time, especially for applications where dehumidification is needed.

If the mini-split is oversized it will short cycle meaning it will quickly cool the area and shut off which doesn't circulate a lot of air. Short cycling doesn't allow for much dehumidification.

I recently sized and installed a mini-split for a 600 sq ft basement, several of the online calculators suggested large tonnage, others smaller. I went with the smallest mini-split in the productline that I was interested in which is 9000BTU. It is more than adequate at pulling down the temps and it does pull a lot of moisture out of the air. The condensation line flows quite a lot during operation. An added benefit with going smaller is the smaller air handlers are quieter.

So 9000 is ok for each of my 300 and 200 sq ft rooms?
the thing is are you in a heating or cooling climate.the minis are inverter compressors (most are).normally you would size for the cooling load and back up heat to pick up from balance point>are you doing cooling only?no back up heat in a mini so i size for 80 to 90 % of the heating load since it unloads for cooling .dont know what part of the country you are in however
its for a small summer house. we are in Turkey...Agean area. winters are mild. usually hovers above freezing. summers are 90-100. not desert dry and not swamp humid. will use it mostly in summer. will need heat since family lives there year round.
The 9000 BTU mini-split in our basement is more than large enough. But keep in mind the thermal loading in our basement is quite low, no windows, and the walls and ceiling are insulated.

I can't say for certain that a 9000 BTU will be big enough for your rooms, (I'm no expert on HVAC) but with 300 and 200 sq ft I would think it would be.

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pm me the rooms windows doors r factors i will do a quick load for you
Not sure how to figure out r factors. I'm not familiar with home material names. But the average construction is very different here. All concrete and brick. Wall are not very thick. Dont know how to describe the bricks..... they are very light and has a kinda honey comb structure. No attic to speak of. It's like two pieces of corogated tin with about 3inches of foam in the middle. Assume they are going to put a kinda Spanish tile like cover.