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GN Novice.
Jul 29, 2002
Already got dibs on a friends digital camera so i can make an informative "Newbie installing an SMC kit unassisted" post with pix for you guys! :D Should be funny to say the least.

Kit should be here in a couple weeks .... :::droooools:::

Hotwire / afpr done tonight in preparation. :D
I'd be interested in that--I'm thinking about doing the same thing. I'm also a GN newbie...

hey red you have something against SMC or something? i understand that someone can do there own alky system for much cheaper then the smc setup, but some people may like the appearence of the smc kit(like myself). i was just wondering if you see some kind of flaw in the smc kit. no flaming intended.

I was gonna ask the same thing. The reason I decided on the SMC kit wasn't to offend u red. It was because 1) I want a CLEAN interior install and don't feel up to installing and wiring this into my dashboard idiot gauges / making a control panel of some sort / installing little lights somewhere else in the interior. 2) I don't trust myself installing a pump correctly with check valves and floaters and "low alcohol" warning systems. (SMC is all prewired with pump installed and control center wired correctly) 3) when this gets all messed up from my installation i'd like someone to be there on the phone offering to help with the install. 4) i don't want to find out, when the pump stops while I'm at 26 psi and i shower the expressway with pistons, that i 'forgot' something relatively small that leaves me with a pile of scrap for an engine! :D

I truly admire you and those like you who have the know how and the confidence to create and install their own DIY's. Very simply put; I'm not one of those people.

I WILL, however, post pix of the install for those of you who are interested.
Whoa.........all I wanted to do was to point out to a person proclaiming to be a GN "newbie" that he could get into an alcohol injection system for a lot less money. Even guys who've been here for a long time, and never looked into alcohol aren't necessarily aware of the options.

And DJ, that's a shame you have this system so complicated in your mind. It's really simple. There just aren't that many components. One doesn't need controls inside the car. For a long time, all I had was an overall off/on switch, which I never changed........"on" being the only position I used. Maybe after a year I put in one of those little red lites to tell me when the alky started to spray. About a year ago I put in a primer button. Appearance wise, there is no "appearance" to the diy kit. You all have a one gallon radiator overflow bottle, which I use for a reservoir. That size is adequate. I'm using methanol ($2.50 gal) and water......not $8.00 a gallon denatured. $8.00 a gallon.....that can get pretty expensive. After over three years 80,000 miles on the car with NO failures, I'm going to put a reservoir level lite in just for fun. The pump is pretty much not noticeable mounted down where the charcoal cannister would be. Someone just posted about putting the pump totally out of sight.

I have no experience with the expensive kit, but I have read very MANY posts from guys having problems with the pump failing. That's not a good thing. If you like the appearance of the smaller reservoir, what can I say? And control? Control what........I've never had to tune in my pump speed. I have one speed. I run 24lbs of boost and more if I choose. What is the pump speed for? I guess that's why I never had any trouble "tuning" with my diy alcohol. I've read many posts in the past with this tuning problem discussed. I only had to decide at what boost level my pump turn on point would be.

Guys, you can get what ever you want. It's YOUR money. I don't make any money if you install a diy kit. I want anybody thinking about AI to be aware of the options. I just like to see TR guys get the most bang for their bucks. ;)
Lets avoid the typical mantra these alky threads are used to degrading to, and get back on topic..

DJay, good going man! You'll love your alky system regardless of whether its prebuilt or DIY. Post some pics when you install it. In fact, I think a 'Newbies Guide to Installing SMC' would be a welcome addition to this board. Why don't you write something up with all your pics and experiences as a guide for 'newbies' in the future?

Let us know how it goes.
Nice, congrats on the purchase. I'm sure many people will thank you for the "newbie install" info. I wish I had made one when I put mine together, I made a few mistakes. I shudder to think what would happen if I tried to do one myself. Props to you DIY guys for saving yourselves some money, but PRE-packaged and ready to go is the way for me. I'll pay for the convenience. My headgaskets are worth the extra cost, I wouldn't trust ANYthing I put together myself. I looked DIY beforehand, and found it pretty easy to justify spending the extra $$$ on the SMC.
I bought my SMC kit during the very first group purchase, about 3 years ago. I had never installed it, due to a number of problems with my car. I've finally gotten all of it under control, and I'm finally ready to install an alky kit on my car. I wish I knew back then, what I know now. I for one would definitely build my own alky kit!! The cost savings, plus the ability to run methanol.

I may try to sell my SMC kit, when it comes back from Steve. I sent it in to get all of the upgraded fittings, a pressure guage on the tank, and for the dual nozzle set up.

Anybody want a fresh, never run, upgraded SMC kit??
Time vs Money

I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are those with time (DIY kit) and those with money (SMC or Pre-made) but rarely those with both time and money. According to my calculations I can build a great DIY kit for $189.00. An SMC costs $400, a difference of $211.00. To some, it's worth the extra not to have to do the leg work, to others it's not. I recently picked up a used SMC kit, that I hope will work out good. Just preference, that's all. - BB:D
Re: Time vs Money

Originally posted by Buick Beginner
According to my calculations I can build a great DIY kit for $189.00. An SMC costs $400, a difference of $211.00.

Since you brought it up, what you're saying is you'd rather spend $400 for a little reservoir, with a dubious pump than spend $211 less. OH! :eek:

Then, you got the time versus money idea. How long have you had your car? How long have many others had theirs, and never installed alcohol. Now, all of sudden, I want alcohol......even though I've had my car for months, or even years. I can't wait any longer. I have to make only one phone call. I can't make 2 or 3. Bullet proof pump? Who cares...... No time. Costs me $211 more, but what the hay? Make sense to me. :rolleyes:
Wow !!

I didn't mean to light your fuse! It's OK, everythings OK. It usually helps when I count to 100. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 and so on. You have somewhat of a reputation of being a "Master" of the budget Buick, a good title to have, because it saves you money! I certainly didn't pay $400 for mine, I waited patienty until a deal came along that I just couldn't resist, (a good deal, REAL GOOD). Anyhow, you're a grand fellow! One of these days I'm actually going to have my car all put togther and show up at the Largo Cruise, won't we all be suprised when that happens? - BB:D

Congrats on your purchase, I too had an SMC alky kit at one time.

Heres a different way to skin the same cat..and adjustability..

I realized two more holes to drill vs the SMC kit..those are the one that mount that pump out of sight.

Never will have any bad motor/pump connections on the bottle..

Larger reservoir, methanol compatible, will run at least twice the pressure of the SMC pump, over 100 dollars less, no vacuum hoses to touch, no relays, no pressure switches, and is more stealthy in appearance. Use the power injection lite in the dash connected with the motor terminals, low alky with the low fuel slot in your dash. Total install time less than three hours.

Its just a better mousetrap ;)

Ouch! Hopefully this "Good deal" won't cost me as much as my turbo good deal did! LOL!

Now, how did you know about my turbo good deal? Did you call the Psychic Hotline? :D - BB

P.S. I was about about 2 weeks away from building the DIY kit, but I saw the opportunity to be lazy and bought the kit.