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SMC Progressive-How Fast?


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When the pump was healthy years ago or using a kit with an older pump or questionable pressure/output?
many have gone 10,s with the smc progressive kits. have one in my GN its at least 8 years old. gnmaster2004 and me talk about it all the time how reliable the kits is.he cant believe how long the pump has lasted hasn't missed a beat.
When the pump was healthy years ago or using a kit with an older pump or questionable pressure/output?

This is a question for you, Razor. I have one of your (really) older kits that was never installed. I am wondering about how it will perform after such a long shelf life. To be clear, I am not looking for any warranty or guarantee on your part; my intent is to sell this pump and replace it with a fresh one from your stock. Just wanted to know if you have heard of an unused pump performing as it should after some time in the parts bin... I am asking so that I can sell this part with some confidence as to whether it will function properly. It has never seen a drop of alky, but I don't want to pass something on that would be a problem...

Jay J
there is no reason it should go bad sitting , if it wasn't used and was stored properly it should work as good today as it would have back then , only way to know if it works is test it ,
you could ship it to razor and he could test it and if it is bad and you plan to get a new pump he can let you know what you need to do to run a newer pump depending on how old the kit is
there were some changes made through years and depending on how early the kit is you should talk to razor about using a newer pump as well as running an older pump
call him
Thanks pacecarta--that is a sound plan. I know for a fact that there have been design improvements over the years, so I can send him the pump to test and then upgrade the rest of the kit...
The pump can be upgraded. No reason to ditch. Just need to see how old the kit is to see if any issue needs to be addressed. Example where pump is/how mounted.
many have gone 10,s with the smc progressive kits. have one in my GN its at least 8 years old. gnmaster2004 and me talk about it all the time how reliable the kits is.he cant believe how long the pump has lasted hasn't missed a beat.
You have to understand your statement. Thats like saying engine oil getting replaced after 10,000 miles. Simple terms the pumps on a single nozzle healthy would/could put out 100-110 psi pressure on the floret versions. On the in tank ones it was 70 psi. So how fast can you go on a single nozzle kit with 100 psi pressure.

If you run your alcohol system until it stops working.. you then change head gaskets and alcohol pump. So using one for "years" and being proud is not an area i'm in. There is an expected service interval on all mechanical parts. Fuel pump is a prime example… you wait.. you run the risk of engine damage over peanuts that is costs to handle its service.

Good luck with your service intervals. I meet customers all the time with kits from 2004-2005 that are working saying the same thing.. I tell them.. your playing with fire on something so cheap to handle in the grand scheme of things.