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Smells Rich, High BLM, Please check my Cross Counts & Numbers.....


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National Newb

Sep 21, 2007
Hey guys, finally getting the car together, but chasing High BLM #s, ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRETIATED!!!:D:D:D:D

Scanmaster shows::rolleyes:

02= 050 to 0740 (with an average in the 600 to 700 range)
AF= 05
L8= 36 to 39
Bat= 13.8
Int= 124 to 132
BLM= 137 ***** all #'s are with the Translator pro set to 5% rich***
(with translator at 0, BLM jumps to 150 and car runs like crap)
CLE= 160 to 165
ATS= 91
RPM= 750-800
IAC= 8 to 12
CC= 0 to 250 **** rotates from 0 to 250 in 10 pt encriments (03, 13, 26, 37, etc... up to 250 then back to 0)

Wideband shows:

14.6 to 15.0 bouncing back and forth

Fuel Pressure is:

42 lbs line off
38 lbs line on at 17" to 18" of vacuum
Gains 1 lbs of fuel for every 1 lbs of boost

Did all the regular,,

-mighty vac vacuum check, pcv grommets and smaller pcv valve, all good...vacuum block, hoses, etc...
(pcv always going to suck air via crankcase,,, thats what it does(i think lol)

-Propane check - negative results

-Exhaust checked - negative results
(checked with car running, and car off with 10lbs air in through tail pipes)

-New Heated 02 sensor from Caspers

I know its not in my signature but car has

Stock engine
Translator Pro w/ 3.5" MAF
Cold Air
50 lbs MSD (recently cleaned, flowed and o ringed)
RJC Plate
Tornado (actually worked for me killed the mid boost surge)
2.5" ATR Exhaust
Hot Wire
new Walbro 255
New Module & Coil Pack
Joe Lubrant Chip

have a reds and turbo tweek ready to try next...

any suggestions would be most welcome....:)
Chasing High BLM's

I'm sure there are many things that could cause this, but several questions come to my mind immediately:

1) What brand of PCV Valve do you have installed?

Stick with the factory AC Delco AC893C (GM Part #25095468) as it is designed to meter a predetermined amount of air req'd for proper operation in our cars. Others have also had good luck using a PCV 1162 (mfg'd by Champion Laboratories Inc) and available at AutoZone.

2) Would you by chance have an inline check valve (in addition to your PCV Valve) installed on your PCV line?

If it has too high "cracking pressure" req'd to unseat the check valve it will drive you crazy chasing high BLM's as it will render the factory PCV Valve useless. Many have cut these in line check valve springs or simply removed them in order for the aftermarket in line check valves to function with little to no back pressure and allowing them to function without ill affect.

3) I've had best luck with the Denso "02 Sensor"

Good Luck,
Hope you find your gremlins!

Thanks for the response,

I did use the autozone 1162 pcv which is a touch more restrictive than the stock... did help alittle bit...

but are the cross counts supposed to just go up like that and restart???
To take advantage of all the Tpro has to offer, you should be running pro chip.

You can tune blm# with the Tpro. Thats the beauty of it but you will be limited with that chip. Adding fuel to high tune will have no affect. Nor will timing or afr tracking.

What are you setting to +5%? Low tune? Mainscale?
Don't bother watching 02 at idle, only at WOT.

BLM at 137 is a tad lean, might need to add 2psi to your base FP as 5% might be too much on the base knob. See below before you do this.

IAC is a bit low, you need to do a boost leak test, you probably have a small one somewhere since it should be around 25-30 there. This is most likely the cause of your lean condition so I'd start here first before you do anything else.
Turboburick - set the base knob to +5%, otherwise I am at 150 blm

GNVYUS 1 - Will do a boost leak test, but doubt there is a leak... brand new PTE SLIC, and all new quality hoses with quality clamps.... and wouldn't it have sucked in the propane???

I agree the 5% base might be too much... last run I did at WOT wideband started at 10.8 and crept down to 10.0.... off 2nd, and third...

Think my order of attack at this time is
1) Boost leak test
2) install Turbo tweak chip
3)adjust IAC
what if you close down the throttle body blade by using the adjustment screw on the throttle body,wouldn't that raise the IAC?
Ikle - yep... thanks, going to reset the IAC after installing the TT chip,,, (and adjust the TPS again thereafter.)

mikstertwo..... thanks,,, saw that cc issue for the first time and thought something was toast... THX!

After all my attempts to get the car to run right, I finally gave up and installed my new turbo tweek chip....I am of the thought you fix what you have before changing things more... but

unbelievable.. all the numbers got in line and car totally smoothed out... no more off idle hestation, car runs smoother, blm=127/128, idles a bit higher at 800.. but works.... car had a joe lubrant chip in it before...

very happy... what a difference just a chip can make..

thanks mike!!
I think eric locks the BLM's at idle but I might be wrong. If he does this will mask a small vacuum or exhaust leak which is what I would susect you have if your chip was calling for more fuel at idle and you were running rich.
TT chip doesn't lock BLM at idle unless requested. I have that chip and i have 142 BLM...:frown:
Turboburick - set the base knob to +5%, otherwise I am at 150 blm

GNVYUS 1 - Will do a boost leak test, but doubt there is a leak... brand new PTE SLIC, and all new quality hoses with quality clamps.... and wouldn't it have sucked in the propane???

I agree the 5% base might be too much... last run I did at WOT wideband started at 10.8 and crept down to 10.0.... off 2nd, and third...

Think my order of attack at this time is
1) Boost leak test
2) install Turbo tweak chip
3)adjust IAC

I think Rick and I are both confused. You say you're running a Translator Pro, however you talk about setting the base KNOB. The pro has no KNOBS?? You're also running a MAF with the Pro?????? What Translator do you ACTUALLY have????
Sounds like the old chip and injectors where not matched.
And it sounds like you have a "Translator Plus" NOT a T-Pro! Glad it runs better for you now.

Scot W.

Yep,,,, sorry about that... I have the translator plus...not the pro...:redface:

and I would agree that the chip I had didnt properly match those injectors...:eek:
My car has a Joe Lubrant 93 chip in it and it always seemed to run rich, no matter what fp I run. Always wondered if the chip was meant for the stock injectors, even though I told them all the mods my car had. I'm actually going to put the stock chip back in today to see if I can tell a difference (my car is not too modified). If so, I'll probably try a tt chip.