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smoked a mustang


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New Member
Jan 31, 2009
hey everyone, I just smoked a v8 mustang tonight!! Tonight i stopped at the local store to pick up some beer and a young kid asked me if i wanted to race my gn against his mustang and i told him it only had a 6cylinder in it and he said "I would run you for a 100 bucks" I said when, he said right now and my wife was with me and I told him if she could hold the money I would. We went outside of town and lined up and I smoked him!!.He said i missed 2nd gear can we try that again? I told him one more time and beat him worse then. He said one more time and I told him that was enough and he said "Damn, that is the fastest 6 cylinder I ever saw!!" I took his money and left!!! Dont it feel good??
Yup just another young kid with a mustang that doesn't know anything about buick power


This is what his excuses is based off of
Surely he was surprised when you said yes you would race him? He thought he had the sucker I'm sure. Did he even bother to look under your hood? You stated you told him it was a V6. Did you look under his? What year Stang?

There some fast ones out there... In a case like this he was either a stupid kid or he has 500 +hp under the hood.
hey fast 86gn. No he didnt look under my hood and i didnt look under his. his car was camed pretty good and it was a standard and this kid was about 18 years old so he wanted to try me so i went for it! I was told last night he didnt like the whoopin he got and he is going to dump the money into it now and come back and blow me away!! I guess i had better get me some tires and a converter and,and, and, i am scared now!!!:eek:
He paid $100 to be humiliated. That's priceless.

Let him dump money into it. There's always a faster car.