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Smoked a mustang


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New Member
Dec 9, 2001
Wasn't even close!:D Those convertible mustangs are slugs. This one was painted sliver and had a body kit and wing on it. ROFLMAO! All show no go. That's one more notch on the dash for my factory freak.;)
Nice. =) One thing I can't stand besides rice, is domestic rice. LOL Nice kill.
Hey 87octane,

Anyone from the Hawaii crowd ever catch up to you after all those boxing matches & all weekend partying? I hadn't been able to keep up with that stuff like I should so I was just wondering...
YOu dont own a buick, you didnt race a buick so who cares. Besides it was probably a V6 Rustnag.
yeah your boring me too man. and whats up with you laughing at a rustang with a body kit and a wing? if i recall, the celica is an incredably over done ugly POS that suffers from a bad body kit from the FACTORY. when you say factory freek, you aint kidding.:rolleyes:
Pot calls the kettle "black"

Hey 87octane, don't try and convince anyone you're so cool. This thread is just screaming "attention" for your sorry butt (and unfortunately, you are getting it, by caring people like me responding to your postings) If anyone needs therapy, it's you. I don't hate you man, I'm trying to HELP you, if you'd just try to let me. Meet up with the Hawaii folks, or get together with someone else if you actually live in a different state. Come out from behind the keyboard, c'mon man, you can do it!
I already met someone from the Hawaii crew!:p For the life of me I cannot recall his name or SN. However, he can attest to the ungodly amounts of HP my freak puts out!

May I remind you that anything can happen on the street.
5% Tints is a Mod? Damn, me and all my buddies are missing out on a hell-of-a-lot more horsepower than we think.

Hey guy's, what do you say we make a Group Purchase on "5% Tints".

Hey 87, why don't you tell everyone what your car runs so we can all have a good laugh and call it a day. :o

(I know,I know, I just couldn't help it)
Oh really?

Originally posted by 87Octane
I already met someone from the Hawaii crew!:p For the life of me I cannot recall his name or SN. However, he can attest to the ungodly amounts of HP my freak puts out!

May I remind you that anything can happen on the street.

I'm sorry, but I need that person to post to this thread himself (or herself) you have far too little credibility for me to accept it "just because you say so"(even if you cannot recall his name or SN) And I'd be curious to hear/read his testament to your so called "ungodly amounts of HP" your "freak" puts out. (is that HP = "heavy panting"??LOL) and BTW, hopefully this person will have at least ten posts already, dated from before the start of this thread. Maybe you might go over to the Hawaii board and ask one of those guys to post here on your behalf. Here's a list of Hawaii folks that I'll accept: ManutheShark, HI85WH1, TurboJohn, X-Ford Man, Hawaiian Turbo, Kenne Bill and 85 TRRRR. Additionally, anyone with more than 100 posts I will accept. Probably, there are other Hawaiian Turbo folks with 20 or more posts that I didn't mention, and I will also accept them.

It's all about credibility, man.

Originally posted by 87Octane
I already met someone from the Hawaii crew!:p For the life of me I cannot recall his name or SN. However, he can attest to the ungodly amounts of HP my freak puts out!

May I remind you that anything can happen on the street.

You sir, are a moron and have a severe lack of brain cells. I also think you are lost on the internet, and need to go to

Go jump off a cliff,
Do you guys just hate me because I beat that one Buick awhile back? :( I apologize! I will never race another Buick again! I promise!;)
87Octane may be a troll, but I have to admit, no matter how much crap you guys give him he isn't rude (from the stuff I have read). I haven't seen him curse at anyone or be a prick. I think this is a new breed of troll, perhaps a "laid back" troll or better yet a "limp" troll:)
No, we just hate having import owners come on our Turbo Buick board and post about their "kills". Do us all a favor and save the bandwidth for Buick owners posting real kills.

Thanks for the cooperation......:cool: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by turboost
"limp" troll:)
I assure you my good man that my troll is far from limp! :D ;)

Thank you for the kind words.


The reason I frequent this board is because I find the people here to be extremely knowledgeable. I've tried switching to places like . But those places are filled with mostly adolescents. This UBB caters to a much more refined type of personality. I enjoy all of your company. Thank you for making my stay here somewhat pleasent.:)