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Smoked a mustang


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so did your blue neon valve stems blind the mustang.i think you need about 10 more stickers on your car to keep up with any musturd.
To 87:
Dude, its cool if you wanna chill an learn more about cars here. no one has a problem w/ that. but when you keep saying you beat TRs and 'Stangs, it's a little hard to believe when you list 5% tint, a blacklight, and type r floormats as mods. We're not convinced that yer celica is as fast as u say it is and thats why we keep giving you crap. You gotta prove it in other ways instead of just typing it. --peace
waiting, waiting

I'm still waiting for the fateful moment that one of the Hawaii crowd meets, meets 87octane and also confirms it here.

87octane, try and get out to the track at the same time the rest of the Hawaii crowd is going. There are a lot of people that are interested in seeing your "factory freak" run those 12's you talked of earlier.

Hopefully, you will succeed in planning around those pesky boxing matches and the weekend-long parties!:p
Hey guys be fair, be fair!!

Hey, like turboost said, he isn't rude about anything. And the ricer he's driving is actually the only import company I have respect for.

I don't mind if he's posting about smoking Rustangs, and such. We all hate the stanks, and a ricer doing it may even be better.

Don't hate this guy, he didn't say anything bad in what he wrote, he just said he burnt a mustang which is fine by most of us, and he didn't really put off his car like its the best damn thing in the world, except that its a factory freak, which is a little trollish, but Toyotas are damn fast! But not stock 13, 12, or 11 second cars!
Re: Hey guys be fair, be fair!!

Originally posted by Big Paul
But not stock 13, 12, or 11 second cars!

You forgot "14", too.

You got here after 87O's debut - check the archives. Nothin' but a troll.

Re: Re: Hey guys be fair, be fair!!

Originally posted by turbojimmy

You forgot "14", too.

You got here after 87O's debut - check the archives. Nothin' but a troll.


Yeah I did see some of his past exerpts, but he may wanna 2nd chance, I say if he screws up again, i'm on your side. ;)
Re: Re: Re: Hey guys be fair, be fair!!

Originally posted by Big Paul
Yeah I did see some of his past exerpts, but he may wanna 2nd chance, I say if he screws up again, i'm on your side. ;)

Okey dokey. He has been on his best behavior lately. Must be up to something :)
You guys are great! Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll try and keep my many kills under wraps for now. That is at least until I can make it to the track and post a timeslip. Hopefully I will be able to get to the track soon. My WRX kill might get a little old.:D

I like your time slip. 1/4 ET=JEEBERS IM FAST.

Can you print me up a version of that time slip?

And i do agree that you have been on very good behavior, and you make me laugh pretty damn hard. Please feel free to post all your kills on here, even the hard to believe ones. We will give your posts a chance, I Promise.

Guys, hes not a troll, just s tory teller.
I mean he doesnt get on here and put down our cars, even if he claims he beat one. No biggie.
Just call B.S and let it go. If its not true and he gets off on telling the stories, that fine, its a kill/fish story board.
Let it go. It will all be better soon I promise
Lets all head to the bar and have a few beers. I buy the first round and someone else get the wings!
I do give 87Octane credit for being polite and rather comical, after all the verbal abuse he's taken. However, we should take it as a compliment that he comes to this website, to learn from the wealth of knowledge being passed around (and there's alot of it here on

As for who 87Octane really is, we are all still trying to find out as well. We would also like to know who's TR he claims to have beaten, and get a look at his "factory freak". :D

Hey 87, you should meet up with the Hawaii TR guys sometime. That way we can see who you really are. BTW, you should have entered the Pro Import races that they had a few weeks ago at HRP, because there were alot of TR guys there either racing (High Tech / EFI Class) or spectating. :cool:
Go For 1,

Thank you for the invitation!:) Unfortunately my schedule rarely allows me to have any free time prior to 11:00pm:(. I am currently seeking new employment and hopefully that will open the door for me to see all of you wonderful Hawaii TR people. I have met one person from your clique of people. However his name seems to evade my memory.

As far as kills go......

I had an oppourtunity to race one of those Irocs. I would have hoped for a better launch but he had me from the begining. I thought I was going to be able to make up the margin through my 2nd-3rd shift but for some reason I couldn't pull on him. When we shut down he was about a 1/2 car ahead. I was a little upset but nonetheless I gave him a big thumbs up. I think I need to get my car checked out.:( Feels like it's lagging a bit. Hope it's nothing serious. I'll keep you fine gentlemen update as to the status.
I hate to break it to you, but you probably lost to a 205hp 305 that would run a low 15 on a good day. If you dont believe me check out and see what the 305 guys run. Not all that impressive.
You dont need to have your car checked 87, I already know whats wrong, YOU DRIVE A RICER!!!