Smoked A Pro Charged 96 Stang


Apr 24, 2004
:biggrin:Yesterday i made a run to the parts tore in my 87 gn. on the way i seen a 96 stang all decked out with cobra r wheels spoilers and badges. since he was parked letting out his passenger i just went by and continued on my way, arrived at the parts store that was only a block away. aandby the time i got inside and get to the counter, the door opens and in walks a young man with blue hair and i mean extreme blue. the first words out of his mouth was who is driving the black car outside, i proudly answered i am. well after a quick what does it have under the hood from him and a just a v6 from me he asked the, normal question what does it run? since i have never had my gn to the track i told him the truth i have no idea. he then asked would you like to run it. well being a mature buick driving adult i responded sure. lets go, after going to the local deserted 2lane drag strip. we first went from a stop. it was a complete embarassment. within the first 100 feet i had him by 2 cars and the spanking only got worse. so i slowed and thought this was way to easy. after he caught up i asked would you rather go from a roll. he said yeah thats what i need. from a 40mph roll,and letting him move first i proceeded to laydown the gn v6 smackdown. so bad infact, by the time we were finsed with the last event his car was blue smoking like a freight train. eventhough, i didnt. intend for him to blow up his procharged. stang it was evident its racing was thru. until some major wreching was done. he couldnt belive it was only a v6. he didnot notice the gt70qtrmbb or v1fmic.60lb rollerset up with the comp roller cam and,turbo tweak chip. man that was fun. since then i have added to the spank list a 2000 ss camaro. and tonite a 1989 347 turbocharged stang. go buick. life is good, BUT GOD IS GREAT.
I love those stories. Our cars are so old now most kids have no idea what they're up against. Virtually no one knows what my white T-Limited is.

Good kill.

Was he blind!?

:confused: How could he not notice a CAS V1?

I can't wait to get the GN back on the road:D . The GTO is getting dull.:(
i also have a 70gtq dual BB turbo, those turbos are about as bad as they get , i know you get a big grin everytime you nail it, like me:biggrin:
Nice $hot, mine will be back on the block soon I got a couple of SMC to tangle with a DODGE 440 and a couple of Buick GN'S to. With 109 block forged pistons 218/212 RJC frontmount, 6152 turbo, Brian Hofer fresh built trans, 4x14 KN induction 3200 stall from PTC I shouldn't have any problem.
Good kill rede4Christ!

The problem with TR's is that the majority of car people reall don't know what they're about..even to this day! The young generation (age 18-25) are either into imports or are into muscle cars and know what a GN and know it's cool, but don't really understand why. T-types and Turbo-T's are not different. It's just NOW (20 years later :rolleyes: ) that people are starting to get it. Now that movie/rock stars are buying them and they're FINALLY making die-casts of them that people are starting to discover them (or rediscover them in some cases) I've been down for them since '87, since my uncle took me for a test drive in a brand new one back in the day!