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So I'm walking into the store yesterday and


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Senior Member
May 31, 2001
As I approach the door to go in, an attractive female is approaching said door from the inside to exit the store. Being the gentleman that I am, I opened the door, stepped aside and allowed her to go out. She came through the door, smiled and thanked me, and turned right walking directly away from me. She had on an Orange T shirt with black writing (something about a sororiety function) and a pair of blue jeans. I was reading the writing on the shirt as I entered the store, and briefly checked out her butt. I'm talking no glaring or staring, as I am very concsious of these things. So, I stroll back to the cooler, get my dr pepper, and make my way to the register. As I approach the counter (I somehow had a feeling this was coming) the little troll of a female cashier galked " I saw that". I said "Hows that?" knowing damn well what she was reffering to. She said "You know what I mean, you were looking at that girls behind: LOL!!:D I said, "No I was reading her shirt thank you very much" and she just looke at me unimpressed with my reply. I just rolled my eyes at her:rolleyes: and told her to ring me up and muttered "the very idea" loud enough for to hear. I started to explode into one of my episodes, but was actually kind of in a hurry, but did think about going back later to speak with the owner about it. I mean wasnt that kind of out of line?? I didnt glare at anybody, or make any scenes, actually didnt look as hard as I usually do. Besides the way she was strutting out, I think she kind of wanted me to look:D I think the old bag was just jealous that she has not been checked out probably ever in her life. My rant for the day!
I would have just told her to mind her own Fing business!!! People like that really piss me off with their rude little comments and why was she paying any attention to what you were doing in the first place? That was totally uncalled for IMO so next time don't try and be politically correct by not saying anything and tell her to F*** off!!! :D ;)

My first impulse was definately to throw a few well placed expletives her way as brick suggested, but for some reason self control got the best of me. Rarely happens. But you bring up a VERY good point, what was she doing paying any attention to me?? She should keep that comment to her self, even if she did "think" she saw some type of impropriety.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Big Mike

I knew someone would hit me with this one :D In fact I was nervous as soon as I said that to her, that she would ask me that very question. Luckily she did not, and to answer you I will simply say in slick willie fashion: It depends on what your definition of "did" is:D
Id'a asked her if she thought that girl in the orange shirt had a nice butt, and then let her know that it's ok to follow her lesbian desires...:D
This is a never fail comeback to a woman who thinks she is busting you for gawking: "Did you see the way she was dressed? I'd never let my daughter/wife/girlfriend go out like that". The only way you'd lose on that one is if it were a relative or friend of hers. Best to ask them if they know them first, and if there's no relation, toss out the line. If the girl is a relative, then you're on your own. :D The line works everytime.
Easy, say if she's dressed like that she's asking to be checked out. I use my official thong inspector card on girls like that all the time.
who cares, like you never was busted looking, just be happy your woman wasnt with you....

BTW i got busted bad in a pool hall one night a few months back when some girl was shooting a game.... i swear she had a gun in her pocket ;) i was just making sure she wasnt coming in our direction
I would have said "is there something wrong with looking at her butt?" Girls check out guys too, so I don't see the problem. I'd say it was a fair trade, you opened the door for her, and in return you got to look at her butt.
I haven't had anything to do at work, so we have spent most of the day riding around in different cars to the local college and high school to check out the girls.
Didn't get busted, but did bust a cop doing the same thing.
Originally posted by striker_29
I knew someone would hit me with this one :D In fact I was nervous as soon as I said that to her, that she would ask me that very question. Luckily she did not, and to answer you I will simply say in slick willie fashion: It depends on what your definition of "did" is:D

So, you really WERE looking at her butt, not reading the shirt, right?????

Nothing wrong with that, IMO. Guessing it was worth the glance.
Almost always are!! :cool:

I do agree that the clerk was out of line to even say anything to you about it. But I'd probably just let the whole deal slide, personally. Unless she's like "here comes the butt-man pervert" next time you go in there or something. Then it's open season...
LMAO at some of the replies, very clever suggestions. Before any female comes and bashes me, I am not married or in a serious relationship of any kind right now. This girl was in my age range, I just turned 31 and she seemed to be late 20's, early 30's. So its not like I'm some dirty old married man trying to rob the cradle here. It seems like a fair trade to me as well black6pack:D It does suck when you get busted looking by your girlfriend, its a BIG deal. Been there, done that, but this was not the case here.
Originally posted by TDS-84
So, you really WERE looking at her butt, not reading the shirt, right?????

Thats kind of a loaded question! As I originally stated, the bright orange shirt first caught my attention, and I was trying to read the words as she was walking away. It was something to do with the Tri Delts Spring Fling at USM, but thats about all I can say for sure. I happened to notice her nice butt at this time, but it was a fleeting glance at best on that deal. I almost feel short changed now, because I spent more time reading the damn shirt than I did staring at her nice butt, but I still took the flack for it lol! This all happened pretty fast as you can imagine, and I did not want to stare. Never the less, it was cool and it was worth it, but yeah if that lady tries to look at me like here comes the butt perv guy again, it is definately on with that old battleaxe! I go in there every day, but have not noticed her before, she must be new.
I know what you were looking at!

C'Mon Mark, tell the truth. You know you were looking at her butt!
And probrobly the only reason you noticed the orange shirt, is because it probrobly fit just about right for ya.:D See ya later, & give me a call when ya can.
If she didn't want guys looking at her butt she wouldn't have brought it with her.

Here's an idea, where was this? I'll go scope the cashier and see if it makes her feel better. LOL! I'll even tell her Mark says hi.
Personally, I am not shy at all about looking at some a$$. If the cashier said that to me, I would have said "what, she had a great a$$":D
Geez, the board took a dive for awhile. Ok Bubba, you guys got me...YES I was looking at her butt, and that damn shirt would have fit just right!!:D :D I cracked, I can't believe it, I would be a terrible spy. Ok, I'm a bad, bad person.:o