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So should I go all digital for my gages? what do you guys think?


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New Member
Mar 24, 2002
Well I was about to order a full complement of VDO gages for my GN (boost,tach,coolant temp,oil pressure) and have been thinking.. my dash is already digital, maybe I should get all digital gages? It might go well with the rest of the 80's ness about the car.

Anybody have an all digital setup? How weird is the digital boost gage to read? The digital tach? Have pics?
Don't know on a GN, but I work with a guy who put dig gauges in a camaro and I thought it looked like hell, didn't want to tell him since he spent several hundred dollars, but I would advise against it. Besides, they are really hard to read when they are flipping around, takes twice as long to "glance at the gauges" as it would with large analog gauges.
Digi Dash

I've been toying around with the idea myself. Nordskog has a real nice lineup of gauges but they are very expensive.

I think I will more than likely just go with a GNX style dash with Autometer Phantom gauges backlit with teel bulbs. I already have three Autometer Phantom gauges so I'll be saving some money there. And I think that will look pretty cool at night.
I was thinking of going digital, but the more I think about it, the more I like analog. I too have the digital dash, so I wanted to build a new dash w/ all digital gauges, to keep the theme, but simply put, they're a PITA.
Many digital boost gauges have peak hold which would enable you to keep your eyes on the road and record the peak boost during a WOT run. Very hard to read a boost gauge and drive at the same time.

Yes a few analog ones can record peaks as well.

One plus to some digital ones. :)