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Solutions for migrains/severe headaches??????


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As lame as it ssounds, eating a chocolate bar sometimes helps.
If you are a heavy coffee drinkedr, getting away from coffee will help. I used to drink a lot of coffee, and I used to get a lot of headaches. I quit coffee, got a lot less headaches

Thanks In Advance
Gary Wells
Spend more time on the crapper. Take a laxative. No joke. One of the biggest causes is that people don't crap enough. You'll notice that most migraine pain pills on the shelves have laxatives in them...
I've heard of several things that can make a headache go away, but generalb44, that is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard!! :D Ooooo, I do feel better now! ;)
Per one of my issues of Maxim:

In case of headache, using your right hand, pinch the webbing between the big toe and the next toe on your left foot. Or something to that effect. Its a pain center, and this is supposed to kill it. I tried it, but I don't think I did it right. Your results may vary. Not responsible for any injuries sustained during this practice. Offer void in Utah. See ya
I agree with checking for alergies but don't forget to check for food alergies also.

I used to get them at all different times......sometimes under stress and then on a nice sunny day at the beach. No rhyme or reason and I tried my M.D. and a Chiropractor, nothing helped.

Turned out I have Celiac disease which is an alergy to Gluten. That's mainly found in wheat but also in about everything else you can think of including Squirt and Halls cough drops.

Now I have a very restrictive and PITA diet but the migranes are gone. Well worth the trouble.
What I have found that works, (just had to do this for my migraine) If you take the thumb and index finger of your right hand and rub the webbing between your thumb and index finger on the left hand it supposed to increase the blood flow to the brain and alleviate the migraine. I notice that I get the really bad ones if I try to skip meals and don't consume enough liquids. I try to watch this very close. A lot of headaches are a direct cause of dehydration. If I consume at least 64 ounces of water a day I don't seem to get them as frequently. I get the full blown, blurry vision, vomitting, just want a bullet between the eyes type. I convinced my hubby to drink more fluids and the constant headache he had for over 8 years finally subsided.
i heard this works pretty good.

A 44 slug from a magnum right in the back of the head will give you permanent relief from you migrane headaches. good luck. nah for real now, i heard of some new spray that you just put it up your nose and it works great, it goes straight to the source and gets rid of migranes, i will find out what its called and let you know.
turbo6x2 is right about the pressure point in the flesh between the base of your thumb and first finger. A physician I used to work with told me about it, so its known in the medical community. BUT, he instructed me to pinch it forcefully to trigger the desired affect on a headache.

The .44 slug is a bit too final for my taste ;) Unless I could choose the forehead....Say like Saddam H.
Re: i heard this works pretty good.

Originally posted by wiked87gn
A 44 slug from a magnum right in the back of the head will give you permanent relief from you migrane headaches. good luck. nah for real now, i heard of some new spray that you just put it up your nose and it works great, it goes straight to the source and gets rid of migranes, i will find out what its called and let you know.

What does 11's Capable mean??:confused:

it means its capable.

it means its capable of running under 12 seconds with the current combo i got, just have not had the time to take it to the track and find out yet. ;)
Try taking some calcium supplement pills.
At least that's what works for me.

Carrying a thick wallet in a rear pants pocket can also twist the siatic nerve enough for headaches.

Mine were so bad at times, I had to turn off all the lights and just lay down.
Originally posted by bruce

Carrying a thick wallet in a rear pants pocket can also twist the siatic nerve enough for headaches

This is why I never get them......:D :D

Midrin works wonders, just don't plan on doing anything for about 8 hrs after taking it! The squeezing between the thumb and forefinger thing works while you are squeezing, but the headache just comes right back when you let go. I've never thought of trying that with any of my migraines, (they're the bullet to the head variety). The best advice I got was to get your Doc to try to find the causes of your migraines. For me it was as simple as red wine. Others have it tough, and the cause is harder to define. Hope this helps, and good luck getting rid of the headaches. I feel your pain.
Wow! I just read yesterday where woman in Illinois who was suffering from severe migraines had an operation to implant a small electrode under the skin, right above the left eye where there is a major nerve. Apparently one of her symptoms was that a gust of wind or passing car could make her retch. At any rate, the electrode was wired via a small wire run down the side of her neck into her collarbone where a small battery is implanted. Every few seconds the electrode stimulates the nerve, disrupting the "I'M HURTING!!" signal being sent to her brain. She's had the implant for a few months now and is pain free. It was technically facinating, which is why I read it.

This news story was on Yahoo! yesterday.
