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Solutions for migrains/severe headaches??????


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Dec 7, 2002
Just curious if anyone here has these and what do you do to make them go away. My wife just recebtly has started getting real bad migrains! She is an RN at a Drs office so thankfully we get lots of "sample" medications for her but they just keep coming back. What are some home remidies or meds you people are taking? Just curious? Thanks Ty
I know someone that just had problems getting rid of them.

It was because of all the medication not being compatible and causing the migranes to "latch" on and not subside.

Medications mostly are for symptoms of the problem and don't help with the problem causes.

Hopefully she will reply and help you out.

I would get all those samples and find out exactly what she's taking and head straight to a neurologist for the proper help for her problem.

Just my .02.
If someone DOES find a cure, I hope they'll notify me! My wife is medically retired because of migraines and headaches in general. She has a headache all day every day.

When I met her, she'd have an average of 3 to 5 migraines a month. There IS a wonderful migraine treatment, but you'll need insurance or a thick wallet--IMITREX, or any of the other "triptan" type drugs. The wife used to get prescriptions for the injections, and they would work about 80% of the time. About 5 years ago, she started having headaches constantly, and shortly thereafter, she had 2 severe reactions to Imitrex (resembling a heart attack), so now she can't even take it ( but she'll occasionally take an imitrex PILL if it's bad enough)...

She's had 2 major TMJ surgerys which are contributing to her headaches, she's had several MRI's, X-rays, a nuclear brain scan, cortizone shots, botox, and every pain medication known to man stuck in her veins or down her throat. Other than the TMJ, they can't find a cause, and other than $300 worth of painkillers every month that just dull the pain, nothing helps either...

It would sure be nice to have her wake up one day without a headache.
sorry BFH...................

My wife isnt that bad yet, sorry to hear that about your wife!!:(
:D Thats the oldest excuse in the book! j/k

I get them too, and it sucks. Imitrex doesn't really help me, I tried it. My g/f is training to become a nurse, and she said to put ice on the area, its supposed to help. I sometimes will just lay in a dark room, with no noise, and put a cold washcloth over my eyes. Then take a zillion advil or excedrin. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not. Good luck
I get one about once a year so I guess I'm lucky, haven't figured out what triggers them yet.

I get the vision imparing ones and it usually is bad enough to make me toss my lunch in the process. I've found that if I can hit the bed, such down some advil and put a big ice pack across my eyes and forehead I can stop the entire process and just have a mean but not incapacitating headache for the next 4-6 hours but at least I'm functional again after a couple hours.

thansk gnx

My wife will appreciate the info...........................
Sometimes allergies can cause them. Weird, but seems to be true. Try talking to your doctor about a referral for an allergy test, or get some samples of Allegra (works for me), Singulair (didn't), Flonaisse (sp? like shooting flowers up your nose).
Good luck those are miserable.
i used to get them,and believe it or not(with me anyways)it was all mental.anytime i was nervous about something i would think"man i hope i don't get a migraine" and every time i'd get one.:mad: they were the gnarly vision-impairing kind as whenever the thought enters my mind i just tell myself that i don't get them's kinda hard to explain my thought process,i kinda actually get pissed off and belligerent with myself,it's kinda wierd:D,but it works,i haven't had one in over 10 years.:eek:

***note:the following is a valid medical question and the product in question is legal in oregon.***

has anyone ever tried "medical marijuana" for a migraine?i know if i still got them i'd do damn near anything to make them go away...

I used to get headaches and migrains all the time......

Braces and two years later, I'm almost headache free.

BTW - I had TMJ

thanks jeremy

my wife had braces, glad you feel better though!
I used to get them a lot and my sister still does. She picked up a book about migrains and it goes into the causes of them and ways to prevent them, similar to the link gnxfan gave. What helped me more than anything was to get physically fit. Eat a good healthy diet, cut out a lot of the junk/sugar and get some exercise. If I go 2 days without a good workout, you can bet that I'll almost be bedridden with a headache. Physical activities, exercise, streatching, and working out got rid of 95% of my headaches. I've been going to the doctors since I was 5 for bad headaches, now at 32 I've almost eliminated them.

The marijuana only works on a hangover headache not a migrain. :D
I'm another happy user of Imitrex (pills)-- I get about 4-5 migraines a year and rarely have pain now. If I take one AS SOON as I start to get symptoms (either the visual cues or pain) it makes it go away.

Before Imitrex I didn't have a good solution-- Caffergot and Ergostat both knocked me out and didn't help the head. Then it was just suffer until I threw up and then the symptoms would usually go away.

I've found that with any med taking it RIGHT AWAY is important. Before Imitrex the best thing for me was to pop a bunch of excedrine with the hope of beating it to the punch-- my neurologist suggested this.

My advice is to get to a neurologist who specializes in migraines, especially if you or your loved one has chronic problems. Don't just rely on your general doc. Although I'm fortunate enough not to have them on a very regular basis, I do know that there have been substantial advancements in the preventative meds available-- it just takes a doc who's up to date and keeps track of things.

Good luck!
Originally posted by WFO
i used to get them,and believe it or not(with me anyways)it was all mental.anytime i was nervous about something i would think"man i hope i don't get a migraine" and every time i'd get one.:mad: they were the gnarly vision-impairing kind as whenever the thought enters my mind i just tell myself that i don't get them's kinda hard to explain my thought process,i kinda actually get pissed off and belligerent with myself,it's kinda wierd:D,but it works,i haven't had one in over 10 years.:eek:

***note:the following is a valid medical question and the product in question is legal in oregon.***

has anyone ever tried "medical marijuana" for a migraine?i know if i still got them i'd do damn near anything to make them go away...


I am the same way! When I saw this thread I said to My self (I hope I dont get one.) Thats wierd that you are the same way.. I only get them once a month or so, But when I do ((look out.. )) Its one of the worst pain's I think a person can have.. I put Ice packs over my eyes and lay in a dark place for hours or for how ever long it takes. Sometimes I will get them at night, wake up in the mourning and still have the faint feeling that I had one..

I really feel for the peolpe out there that deal with these on a daily basics... Expecally for your wife (Buick from Hell) .. I hope they find a way to help her out..

Imitrex worked for me. Have discovered that paint fumes are a real trigger for me. I used my respirator even when painting small parts, now.
I used to get them several times a month. The doctors tried several thing and finally put me on a beta blocker. There is a strong history of heart attack in the family so he figured it would like in that case anyway. Lucky I one get a bad headache a few times a year. Hope they find something to help your wife. I am on Propranolol 20 mg once a day.

Used to get them too. I think it was stress. Bought a Z28 and when I felt one coming on would go for a "ride" :).

You have to be very careful abou taking Advil. Tynenol sp? or any of the over the counter pain killers. They can and will in most cases cause irreversable liver damage if you exceed the recommended dosages. Please be careful with these things. Overdoses can also send you to Harp Land. The Washingtion Post ran a huge article in its health section on 2/11/03. I think you can get a copy at


If you were Chinese, your grandmother would give you this powder, that is mixed in warm water. I taste like chalk dust. After you've finished choking, you forget all about your headache.:D
Seriously though, my wife used to go to a podiatrist that performed foot mesages. Mesaging certain parts of the foot, has many healing affects on other body parts. It may be worth a try.