Southeast GM Turbo 6 November Meet


May 24, 2001
WHAT: the November Turkey Blow-out Meet
WHEN: Saturday, November 18 from 11 am until.
WHERE: Cheryl's(me) house in Trinity, NC 27370
WHAT WE NEED: side dishes such as veggie or salads, sodas, bread, dressing, 4 gallons of oil, 2 turkeys, dessert items
POST WHAT YOU PLAN TO BRING: I will supply 1 turkey, pan of dressing, pan of sweet potatoes, pan of Cherry Crunch dessert & Plates, napkins, forks

Let me know if you want to come out & eat some killer deep fried turkey with the local NC SyTy/ Turbo Regal group! We had a real nice turnout last year. I will email or PM directions for those wanting to come out! Chow! :biggrin:
Thanks for you guys making the long haul over! Hope we can all get together in December some where also
It was definately 1 heck of a ride. All together I watched 5 1/2 movies on the way there & back. It was well worth the ride though. Looks like Rockingham next weekend.