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"Southern Comfort" STOLEN in Weston


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It's Been Awhile!!!
Jan 26, 2002
I cant believe that I am actually here posting this sad news. 'specially after I have not been around for awhile. Well her it goes....

I have some sad news to report. As you all know I am one of the founding fathers of the SOUTH FLORIDA TURBO BUICK CLUB ( and my car was "Southern Comfort." I am saying wa as it was STOLEN last night. I live in WESTON Florida and it is a rather safe neighborhood. Infact I have a police officer that lives directly across the street from me. I came home around 11:00P EST and went out to work this morning to find that the car was not there. I asked the police officer who lives across the street from me and he states that when he came home from work at 7:00A EST this morning the car was gone. I am rather distraught and cannot believe that my privacy has been violated in such a way. If you all see my car let me know it is rather noticeable as the word "Southern Comfort" are written across the windsheild. You can go to my website and there is a picture. I have included my VIN below if anything comes of this. By the way any one know how insurance works on this?? I have never been through this before and really do not now what to expect. Any help you all could offer would be greatly appreciated. She was a member of our familiy and would you believe the rotten bastards even stole the car with my 1 1/2 year olds car seat in the back. She cant go Vroom Vroom anymore :-( Hope you all can help


VIN: 1G4GJ1179HP461256
Get all your reciepts handy!!

If you didn't have a stated value policy, you need to get every bit of documentation you have including every reciept for parts.

You will need to show current value for your car. Get on and do a search for GNs with similar setups and miles, and print it out. Find cars for sale on this board and print them out. Most insurance companies will crap when you show them that market value for an '87 Buick is over $10,000.
Stolen Ride

Hey, sorry to hear about your car.I live in weston also,What part of weston do you live in.Did you have any type of alarm,club,or something?I had a car stolen a long time ago,so i know the feeling.I cant sleep if my car sits out all night.Anyway,I will keep my eyes peeled.
I feel your pain, bro. Mine was almost stolen twice. Now it resides in a locked garage and is only driven when it won't be out of my sight. :mad: Sickening that the world we live in is full of theives.
Drinkin to Southern Comfort..

Paul and Joe...

Thank you both for your kind concern. As far as the club, I had one and it was attached. I have a theory about alarms and that is that they are more annoying then they are good. I have close ties to law enforcement officials and also have grwon up in MIAMI and I can tell you that theives today will have your alarm turned off before they even get to your car. Also, if they cannot take your car they will WRECK IT trying to take it. So I minimize the damage by letting them take it if they wish in the hopes that the collateral damage when the car is returned will be at a minimum. FYI any good REMOTE ALARM can be disarmed with parts from radio shack for under 30.00. PLUS there are certain HIGH TECH tools that can be used for the really HIGH TECH theif. Being a Senior Level Computer guy in the industry for over 15yrs I can tell you this for fact. I was in the process of getting ready to put LOJACK on and also a KILL SWITCH but the best protection is that you should take your computer in the house with you. Without it our cars can be driven NOWHERE. That night I had gotten home from work REALLY LATE and just did not do it.

Thanks guyz and PAUL, if you want I am going to UNCLE ALS on SATURDAY and drink a few in memory of her you could join us if you like, I live on the BONAVENTURE SIDE.. Email me and we can chat.


PS--> Paul why are you not joining our club?? We would welcome you too got some kewl stuff in the works.

Hello Tony:
Sorry to hear about your lost the other night, i live in Shenandoah and some time park my GN out side, but after hearing about your lost, i will park it in side every night. The idea about takeing the computer inside is a great one.

I did put a few kill switches on the car and going to put the " poor man's pass key system.

I have had my other cars in the past taken from my house, both times had kill switch for the fuel pump, so i have been lucky.

I wish you find the car soon, hope it is just joy riders, and you get it back in good shape. I will keep my eyes open for her.


Thank you for the concern. It is very appreciated. I have not heard anything yet. But I think given the amount of time that has transpired I may not be getting the car back. I really have never been through this before so I have no clue on what to expect. I am just taking it one day at a time and stuff. GEICO sent me some sorta form I have to fill out and send back within like 5 days and it has to be notarized. I nearly got all chocked up cause I really aint got the heart to do this. OOOhhh well, it has to be done.

If I hear anything you can be sure I will let you all know. If you all cna lend any kind of advice with what to expect it would be greatly appreciated.. I dont know if any of you have ever had an experience with GEICO, but if you have then let me know as I am curious to find out what to expect or how this whole thing is going to pan out if the car is not returned.

Thanks guys,
Originally posted by Redneck
and would you believe the rotten bastards even stole the car with my 1 1/2 year olds car seat in the back.
Around here they steal them with the kids themselves in the backseat.

They even tried to drive off in my GN from the hospital parking garage in 1996 as we were welcoming our son into the world. :mad: They didn't have a tow truck though. :p

Good luck and I hope your car shows up.

That would just really irk the crap outta me... Thanks for the concern. Hopefully insurance will do the right thing.

Remember me if any of you know of a good deal on an '87' I may have to start looking soon. So keep your eyes and ears peeled.

hang in there

Hang in there, we hope every day is a little better. we also have Geico, they just asked me if the car had a alarm and was it parked in a garage. They knew it was a t-type from the vin numer right away. I think i'm going to up grade my insurance for higher value, if i can.

Good luck with them and do not taker there FIRST offer, hold out for more of it's true value. They are happy to take your money, but when you need them, well some times they are not there for you.

I had a break in up in West Palm Beach, they broke into every broward tag car or truck in the parking lot. My home insurance cover most of it ( brand new 35 mm camera and etc ) they took every thing from inside my truck, even my pills.

The Insurance company only gave me 70% of the value, and told me if i wanted to fight it " good luck " but they would listen to what i had to say.

Just wondering if it was a Joy ride or just for the parts, They can not drive it here in this state, every one should know about by now, and be looking for your car.

Good luck
Paul & Cathy
Eyes in Sarasota

I hate to hear such bad news. I'd really be bent out of shape if it happened to me. Will copy your vin # down and check all GNs I see here in Sarasota County. Let all who read this be aware that they are out there and want our cars. Be warned if you're coming for my GN , I shoot first and ask questions later.