Sportbike 2-fer


gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
On my way home yesterday at an intersection I normally turn left at...I see a couple sport bikes sitting in the right lane with the left lane open and a wide open road up I aint gonna let an opportunity like that pass....I hurry up and get along side them before the green. There's a Toyota Tacoma behind them with front row seats to the action about to unfold.
A sport bike double tap...courtesy of Buick Grand National..

One of the bikes was a yellow Honda 900RR and the other one was...I dunno....let's just call it the slow one...

I caught their attention with my quick stop so as soon as the green was there....they wanna go and so do I.
So off we go!

The 900RR got out to my front bumper while my tires spun and the slow one stayed on my door...but as soon as I hooked....the slow one got walked and gave up while I slowly crept up on and started to pass the 900RR.

As soon as he was behind my door, he let off knowing he was getting walked and so did I. We had gone about an 1/8th at this point.

As we got back down to safe speeds, he came along side me and was honking his horn, thumb-upping me and hollerin' "YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!!!":D
I was just laughing and gave him a hang loose sign back.

At the next red light I'm turning left now and they're gonna go straight.
The 900RR guy comes up to my door and he's all excited....the slow bike is back there somewhere still...
Him: Holy crap that thing is fast!
Me: Yup! [laughing]
Him: I used to be a drag race photographer and I should just don't race these things [pointing at my GN], you just don't try to race them! [laughing]
Me: Ya I'm loving it...especially this new motor.

His buddy on the slow bike finally rolls up and is completely freaked out...
Slow bike: You totally took my be surprise....I can't believe how easy that was for you.
900RR: And I'm sure it's totally stock right?
Me: Yup...totally bone stock except for this boost gauge.
All laughing...:D

Tacoma pulls up in the far lane and the driver is just shaking his head and looking at the GN.
I think he was with the two guys on the bikes cuz they started hamming it up with him about what just went down....he was speachless and still just staring :eek: at the GN...

My light turned green so I told them to be safe and went my way.
Whoosh vs. Vrroom.....

And Whoosh wins it by a 1/2 length..........:cool:
What has four wheels, two lambs and is slower than a chicken?

Two motorcycles that try to race Tim.:eek::D

Nice kills. Great story.

Mike B.
Chicken, You make your father proud, Those damn bikes as well as every other mustang always want to mess with my Porsche, they buzz it like annoying mosquito's wanting to get swatted. Except I always seem to get up against those 9 & 10 second super bikes & get spanked. I had two of them scalp me on the way to the Indian casino in Escondido the other day. They were on my back bumper so I nailed it & they went around me like nothing & my Porsche has 500 Hp & no slouch.
Chicken, You make your father proud, Those damn bikes as well as every other mustang always want to mess with my Porsche, they buzz it like annoying mosquito's wanting to get swatted. Except I always seem to get up against those 9 & 10 second super bikes & get spanked. I had two of them scalp me on the way to the Indian casino in Escondido the other day. They were on my back bumper so I nailed it & they went around me like nothing & my Porsche has 500 Hp & no slouch.

From what I've gathered....while being a bit long in tooth as sportbikes go...the 900RR is a solid high 10 second bike.
It would be no match for the newer sportbikes like the Gixxer 1000's, etc....but it aint no slouch either.
The "slow bike" I did not get a good look at, but it sounded like it was a smaller cc bike...probably a 650....
From what I've gathered....while being a bit long in tooth as sportbikes go...the 900RR is a solid high 10 second bike.
It would be no match for the newer sportbikes like the Gixxer 1000's, etc....but it aint no slouch either.
The "slow bike" I did not get a good look at, but it sounded like it was a smaller cc bike...probably a 650....
I'm a biker also....Just like my 4 wheel GN alot better.....and i'll tell you from my experience....anytime you can run by a 750cc bike or larger like that are doing your thing!!! bar none.....The average car would not have tried that o_O BUT we TR owners have not so average cars ;) LMFAO!!!!! I did a hyabusa in almost the same way Chicken......We both dropped the hammer at about 40mph after admiring each others rides......But when he did'nt leave me right away and i stayed with him from 40 till bout 70mph he gave up lol.....Probably could'nt believe i was still balls n deep inside scared of GN's lol...He would have made a move if he stayed in it....mayb :rolleyes:
Gotta love it!

Keep on keepin on brother.
His buddy on the slow bike finally rolls up and is completely freaked out...
Slow bike: You totally took my be surprise....I can't believe how easy that was for you.
900RR: And I'm sure it's totally stock right?
Me: Yup...totally bone stock except for this boost gauge.
All laughing...:D

Chicken: This is the line I use.

Sure, it's stock. Every part I've put on it was stock on somebody's shelf when I bought it.:)