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New HP Technology !!!
Jan 9, 2007
Dad and his kid roll up next to me with a shiny black SRT-10 very cool truck, Came to a stop and ran it from a dig pulled hard on him felt real nice. Then they kinda stayed back , he was probaly telling his kid stories on why A little six pulled on him so hard hehee.Gotta love the DRs :biggrin:
I just saw one of those trucks tonight. First one I’ve seen. They look real cool. I bet even better in the rear view mirror. Nice kill.
The truck looked mean and sounded cool too ,but yes much better behind me thanks,.:D
I guess i'm kinda happy:biggrin: and sad:mad: CONGRATS!;)

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Oh yea, I forgot to mention the black SRT-10s are the SLOWEST. Of course the silver ones are DEFINATELY faster!:rolleyes:
yeah I heard the same thing silver ones are faster hehe,still love that truck what can I say he was trying to pick on me.
I've seen a few at the track. I wasn't impressed, low 14s. I don't see the sense in them, it's not like your going to go get a load of gravel in one.:rolleyes:
Good kill!! I haven't found one out here that needed his feelings hurt but I'm looking.:biggrin: