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Stage II On Center Virgin 4.1 Block On Craigslist


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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
I saw a virgin 4.1 stage II 153 block on the South Florida Craigslist today. It was a six bolt main block with billet steel caps. The price was $5500.00. Just thought I would post this in case anyone is looking for one. Rare piece, but pricy. Not sure if this link will work.
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I saw a virgin 4.1 stage II 153 block on the South Florida Craigslist today. It was a six bolt main block with billet steel caps. The price was $5500.00. Just thought I would post this in case anyone is looking for one. Rare piece, but pricy. Not sure if this link will work.

It's been on and Ebay too. The guy is smoking crack.

Another one like it at a similar price has been perpetually for sale in Chicago for years
I have a virgin 153 as well.....not for sale but would value it around 3k.

I'd say that's the real money. There is a guy not far from me that has two virgin blocks. Last time I spoke with him he wanted $3800 each and I though he was high (literally and figuratively).

I funny to me how much people value certain things.this block I way overpriced and will sit there until the ass for every seat theory takes place or he drops the price.especially since a smart person can much faster cheaper.the listing is also on racingjunk.
I funny to me how much people value certain things.this block I way overpriced and will sit there until the ass for every seat theory takes place or he drops the price.especially since a smart person can much faster cheaper.the listing is also on racingjunk.

Your post is confusing. Is this your block?
