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State Of Emergency Never Ending?


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Yes back in the day they were Democrats, that’s long gone. Trump is their man today
There are far more then 3 thousand. Hate to say but I do know some Of these people and some are church going good folks but carry a lot of hate that I don’t understand. And believe me when I say, just like you would not walk into the hood in a lot of places in NY city and expect to come out in one piece or at all. outside the cities in the south it becomes dangerous for people of color. There are six states in the south that are really bad. What it would take to fix what is wrong in America is beyond my pay grade ! I don’t believe it will be fixed in my lifetime. Maybe the second coming is what it will take.

Yeah, the official count is 3,000 but very well could be a whole lot more closet members. Hate is a terrible thing, it will eat you up alive and have noticed for years that blacks seem to be way more fill of hate for whites than reverse but than again its been driven into their heads from birth from the likes of the jesse jackasses, al sharp-tongues, malcumstain-x and now for a number of years demonrats and their msm.
These asshole politicians with their pc bs keep trying to force whites and blacks together, fools just don't understand that people gravitate to their own kind. Sure, you can work together and such but its just natural to be with people basically the same outlook and culture, race, been that way forever. Like trying to get water and oil to mix.
You sure are right about the second coming.
Joe biden said it himself "you ain't black if you vote for Trump." A racist assumption. The democrats are the remnant of the kkk with blacks as their permanent underclass, never ending supply of voters. Democrats pretend to care about black people. They just want their votes, that's all.

A lot of blacks have started to see the DemonRats for what they are, that's why the Rats have been pushing so hard for open borders so they can have a new under class to replace them. They can't stand to see a black man or woman come off the plantation let alone be a republican-conservative like Candice Owens. And does the msm hate her.
People living in the city projects need a career or trade or at least a good job. Giving them free stuff is hurting them from being motivated to better themselves and strive for more out of life.

"Make" them apply themselves in I guess what they call them schools now and hold the parent-parents responsible. If they keep getting in trouble or refuse to learn the parents start to get their welfare cut a percentage. Guaranteed to get their attention.
And it’s a burden on us working taxpayers. Who do you think pays for all the “free” stuff?

True, but remember also that these colleges, schools and especially the libtard teachers and professors have been sucking on the taxpayer teet for years too and its a part time job to boot. Get rid of tenure and go back to the three Rs for starters.
only the baby boomers and gen x...LOL...and then you have people from Texas ...a whole other category amongst themselves LOL

Sad what's happening to Texas, they have all these CA and blue state tards moving there and bringing their political bull sheet with them.
Yeah, the official count is 3,000 but very well could be a whole lot more closet members. Hate is a terrible thing, it will eat you up alive and have noticed for years that blacks seem to be way more fill of hate for whites than reverse but than again its been driven into their heads from birth from the likes of the jesse jackasses, al sharp-tongues, malcumstain-x and now for a number of years demonrats and their msm.
These asshole politicians with their pc bs keep trying to force whites and blacks together, fools just don't understand that people gravitate to their own kind. Sure, you can work together and such but its just natural to be with people basically the same outlook and culture, race, been that way forever. Like trying to get water and oil to mix.
You sure are right about the second coming.
No can but or sell unless the receive the "mask of the beast", just put it on and be quiet! :p That's why Trump refuses to wear it. :ROFLMAO:
Hard to see NY ever recovering unless we can split off the city and it's suburbs.
You and the rest of us better hope not. There is more money flowing out of that city then anywhere in the world. Look at the amount that goes to DC. That’s what the numb nuts in Congress spend first. Now please no-one take this wrong as I voted for the man. The real reason he doesn’t wear the mask he doesn’t want anything to cover his big lying mouth.
Hard to see NY ever recovering unless we can split off the city and it's suburbs.
it all depends on the people running it ...wasted money and excessive taxes which are not be allocated properly ...very sad ...our claim to fame is that city and was once one of the greatest cities on earth... wrong with people....greed....corruption...and not be able to admit when they are wrong and change for the future of the people and not for own personal gains ...".The government will one day be corrupt and filled with liars, and the people will flock to the one that tells the truth." Thomas Jefferson....

there comes a pivotal point in every human's life when they realize and understand the difference between right and wrong a very early age....the innocence is lost and how this child develops into a person starts to take place and take its course ....
You and the rest of us better hope not. There is more money flowing out of that city then anywhere in the world. Look at the amount that goes to DC. That’s what the numb nuts in Congress spend first. Now please no-one take this wrong as I voted for the man. The real reason he doesn’t wear the mask he doesn’t want anything to cover his big lying mouth.
I don't think so. NYC politics stunts the development of upstate. The NYC fucksticks want update to stay undeveloped so they have a country place to escape to every weekend. Additionally, the politics drives the social/gubment mentality/ spending and dependence. Upstate sees zero benefit, regardless of the amount of jerkoff money that passes through the city. So I hope so, and I don't know why you think you can lecture me. I doubt you or anyone you now is capable of lecturing me on how to live, how to think, understanding economics, society, engineering, science .....
but ....lets get to the ROOT....of the problem ...and rip it out of the ground ...LCD
You and the rest of us better hope not. There is more money flowing out of that city then anywhere in the world.

Nothing flows out of NYC but sewage. Liberal Sewage. Period. Your results may differ.

So glad I don't live anywhere near that trash heap.

And there you have it.
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I don't think so. NYC politics stunts the development of upstate. The NYC fucksticks want update to stay undeveloped so they have a country place to escape to every weekend. Additionally, the politics drives the social/gubment mentality/ spending and dependence. Upstate sees zero benefit, regardless of the amount of jerkoff money that passes through the city. So I hope so, and I don't know why you think you can lecture me. I doubt you or anyone you now is capable of lecturing me on how to live, how to think, understanding economics, society, engineering, science .....
Wow, had no idea you would take offense, as I sure wasn’t lecturing you or anyone. I was referring to Wall Street, the bond markets, Federal Reserve Bank. It’s the biggest financial center in the world. I am also sure you know more then I do as you live in that state. Happy Trails — oh forgot about my wife, as she does give me a
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Nothing flows out of NYC but sewage. Liberal Sewage. Period. Your results may differ.

So glad I don't live anywhere near that trash heap.

And there you have it.
I agree would not want to live there either. Hell even Trump had the sense to get out. However I do pay attention to what is going on in the markets up there. As lots of us has money of our owe up there. Other then my check from the VA, all of what I have comes from that place.
I agree would not want to live there either. Hell even Trump had the sense to get out. However I do pay attention to what is going on in the markets up there. As lots of us has money of our owe up there. Other then my check from the VA, all of what I have comes from that place.

NYC is a place y'all have to be born to, its like a whole other plant with odd human creatures. Seeing it the first time the size is staggering and small compared to the corruption. Sanctuary city also thanks to the demonrats.
Wall Street is more fake than the WWE, no reality to the real world anymore with all the fed money being pumped into it and P 2 E off the charts phony. They have to keep it up because all the pensions are invested in it so I guess we ride the train until it goes off the cliff.
Would be interesting to see what upstate could do if we could get away from nyc, li and westchester county. Unfortunately 7 million people can't outvote 12 million.
Trump is a pretty smart cookie so when the country defaults on all its obligations and bonds and the dollar is worthless I'd want him at the helm.
Some think nyc is the second Babylon in the Bible and will be destroyed and many will cry because of all the riches that were made from her. Others think perhaps Rome and the Vatican. We live in most interesting times.
NYC is a place y'all have to be born to, its like a whole other plant with odd human creatures. Seeing it the first time the size is staggering and small compared to the corruption. Sanctuary city also thanks to the demonrats.
Wall Street is more fake than the WWE, no reality to the real world anymore with all the fed money being pumped into it and P 2 E off the charts phony. They have to keep it up because all the pensions are invested in it so I guess we ride the train until it goes off the cliff.
Would be interesting to see what upstate could do if we could get away from nyc, li and westchester county. Unfortunately 7 million people can't outvote 12 million.
Trump is a pretty smart cookie so when the country defaults on all its obligations and bonds and the dollar is worthless I'd want him at the helm.
Some think nyc is the second Babylon in the Bible and will be destroyed and many will cry because of all the riches that were made from her. Others think perhaps Rome and the Vatican. We live in most interesting times.

Hey KC, a story for you. 1969, three of my classmates and me ( three 18 and one 17 graduate from high school in 1969. We decide to go cross country together to see the country. California was by far the most cool place. Hunting beach was very cool. Fast cars, girls everywhere. San Fran, was also very very cool. We ended up in Bethel, NY August 69, Woodstock we saw things nobody would believe. Naked women chasing naked men, drugs. Shit that had not Made it’s way to the south. Really kind of scared us. That October I got drafted. Was in Vietnam in March and the fun began. Got shot above the ankle, oh my I get to go home. NO you get to back in the jungle after three weeks. On patrol we get in a bad fire fight. This day I’m the cover for the back door. Call for help run to the front most are on the ground shot to hell, lost my mind and unloaded with everything I had. Got shot five times, in the gut. But was told that run the VC off our back up was there in minutes. I think that’s what run them off. This would today makes me sick, what in the hell have we become. Oh and by the way a black soldier carry me out of the juggle. Go figure
Hey KC, a story for you. 1969, three of my classmates and me ( three 18 and one 17 graduate from high school in 1969. We decide to go cross country together to see the country. California was by far the most cool place. Hunting beach was very cool. Fast cars, girls everywhere. San Fran, was also very very cool. We ended up in Bethel, NY August 69, Woodstock we saw things nobody would believe. Naked women chasing naked men, drugs. Shit that had not Made it’s way to the south. Really kind of scared us. That October I got drafted. Was in Vietnam in March and the fun began. Got shot above the ankle, oh my I get to go home. NO you get to back in the jungle after three weeks. On patrol we get in a bad fire fight. This day I’m the cover for the back door. Call for help run to the front most are on the ground shot to hell, lost my mind and unloaded with everything I had. Got shot five times, in the gut. But was told that run the VC off our back up was there in minutes. I think that’s what run them off. This would today makes me sick, what in the hell have we become. Oh and by the way a black soldier carry me out of the juggle. Go figure
Interesting story Ray and thanks for sharing your experience in Nam. I know lots of people out there that don’t mention anything about the war.