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State Of Emergency Never Ending?


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Interesting story Ray and thanks for sharing your experience in Nam. I know lots of people out there that don’t mention anything about the war.

Because it's "uncomfortable" for them and there is no "safe space" for them to run to when it becomes the object of the conversation.

They have NO idea what they are "protesting" today. They are merely following lyrics of the 1980's RUSH song......

What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the witness, catch the wit
Catch the spirit, catch the spit ....

Yet they have no idea what any of it means, most especially if they "catch the spit".
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Wow, had no idea you would take offense, as I sure wasn’t lecturing you or anyone. I was referring to Wall Street, the bond markets, Federal Reserve Bank. It’s the biggest financial center in the world. I am also sure you know more then I do as you live in that state. Happy Trails — oh forgot about my wife, as she does give me a
Not offended at all, and while print does not always come off as intended, the reply seemed a little condescending. Peace.
Hey KC, a story for you. 1969, three of my classmates and me ( three 18 and one 17 graduate from high school in 1969. We decide to go cross country together to see the country. California was by far the most cool place. Hunting beach was very cool. Fast cars, girls everywhere. San Fran, was also very very cool. We ended up in Bethel, NY August 69, Woodstock we saw things nobody would believe. Naked women chasing naked men, drugs. Shit that had not Made it’s way to the south. Really kind of scared us. That October I got drafted. Was in Vietnam in March and the fun began. Got shot above the ankle, oh my I get to go home. NO you get to back in the jungle after three weeks. On patrol we get in a bad fire fight. This day I’m the cover for the back door. Call for help run to the front most are on the ground shot to hell, lost my mind and unloaded with everything I had. Got shot five times, in the gut. But was told that run the VC off our back up was there in minutes. I think that’s what run them off. This would today makes me sick, what in the hell have we become. Oh and by the way a black soldier carry me out of the juggle. Go figure

That's something everyone should do if they can is take the summer after gadgeation and see the country. You got to see the flower power generation in all its crazy glory, lol. The aftermath of Woodstock looked like a war zone with the way the left it. Sad thing is today it wouldn't be no where near as fun doing the trip.
Most people will bury their head in the sand over seeing the history or live reporting on war, out of sight out of mind. I want to know what's going on whether its good or bad. I remember back about 65 or so the Marines were taking this hill and the SGT got half an arm blown off, the medic was working on him as he leaned against a tree and the reporter was talking to him as he chomped on a cigar. Does it hurt, "like hell" he says. One tough old bird and countless untold stories like that.
Don't know about now but there was always friction between white and black troops but somehow that went away mostly in battle since they needed to depend on each other for survival.
We like to hear your stories, or should I say actual events that you have gone through, very thought evoking.
Yup, the world is pretty sickening now but Jesus said not to fear for these things must take place. The Heavenly Father and He will never leave us or let us down although sometimes we think they have.
Ya know you made me think about this from 49 years ago. He lived a few houses down and was quite a shock for the area. Nice guy and looks like hes still 14yo. If you ever figure out what it was all about let us know. I'm mean other than making the rich elitists even more rich.

I love this video, it should be the official face of the movement. It's funny how these people think they're down and part of the movement til they come for you. And believe me, sooner or later they will come for you. Especially, when you say something that isn't lock and step with what the group thinks, feels, or believes. We are now witnessing the left using its same tactics to self cannibalize itself. To be honest, if I was able to hear that music they were playing, I would've thrown some rocks, too.

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I love this video, it should be the official face of the movement. It's funny how these people think they're down and part of the movement til they come for you. And believe me, sooner or later they will come for you. Especially, when you say something that isn't lock and step with what the group thinks, feels, or believes. We are now witnessing the left using its same tactics to self cannibalize itself. To be honest, if I was able to hear that music they were playing, I would've thrown some rocks, too.

Now if I were inside, I wouldn’t be shouting I’m on your side. Believe me when I say, I would have shot the shit out of them. I wouldn’t even blink as I know what it like to shot and kill. Those assholes wouldn’t be breaking any more glass
Now if I were inside, I wouldn’t be shouting I’m on your side. Believe me when I say, I would have shot the shit out of them. I wouldn’t even blink as I know what it like to shot and kill. Those assholes wouldn’t be breaking any more glass

Those 2 soy boys couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. I predict that all these white assholes wanting to be BLMsters will be the first casualties of the movement when they turn on them like a cobra. Do they know how weak they appear before the bros doing that. I for one will only kneel to GOD or his Son Jesus.
The beer pong set up makes me think they aren't on any side, they're just playing along.

Like so many other white young folk who are feeling some sort of "white guilt" so they march, and loot...... BLM doesn't care if they are around.....

But now, Antifa does.

I'll leave it at that.
The beer pong set up makes me think they aren't on any side, they're just playing along.

Like so many other white young folk who are feeling some sort of "white guilt" so they march, and loot...... BLM doesn't care if they are around.....

But now, Antifa does.

I'll leave it at that.

Its going to be a long hot summer this year and it hasn't even started yet. Lets hope that Trump is re-elected or the country is lost. White guilt, pardon me while I puke. Their guilt is so fake, if real they'd give everything they have back, those white squaws could at least spread their legs too or take the position. Talk about learning the "hard" way.
There's probably 1/2 to a dozen blacks murdered in shitcago every weekend but the demonrats don't care about that, doesn't fit the narrative.

Thinking you're kneeling in solidarity, when in fact you're kneeling in submission.

Also, isn't this cultural appropriation? Asking for a friend.

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View attachment 355247

Thinking you're kneeling in solidarity, when in fact you're kneeling in submission.

Also, isn't this cultural appropriation? Asking for a friend.

must be nice just go out and buy some new gear...LOL...i hope these idiots realize they are only supporting Africa with dem scarfs....which was just as much to blame for selling slaves 200 years ago....LOL
View attachment 355247

Thinking you're kneeling in solidarity, when in fact you're kneeling in submission.

Also, isn't this cultural appropriation? Asking for a friend.

They look like some sort of lame assed dance team...:ROFLMAO:

And Dems are professionals at "appropriating" what ever they can by reaching into your pocket while looking you in the eye and telling you "it's good for the country".

Look at these idiots pandering.........
Well just found out my daughter is in quarantine for 14 days. Her roommate at the USC has come down with the cover-19. They share a apt. Right off campus. She tells me she has been doing everything the right way. ?? For me this really sucks. I would rather have this shit then my youngest child.
Well just found out my daughter is in quarantine for 14 days. Her roommate at the USC has come down with the cover-19. They share a apt. Right off campus. She tells me she has been doing everything the right way. ?? For me this really sucks. I would rather have this shit then my youngest child.

Sorry to hear that, Ray. God's speed to her.
Well just found out my daughter is in quarantine for 14 days. Her roommate at the USC has come down with the cover-19. They share a apt. Right off campus. She tells me she has been doing everything the right way. ?? For me this really sucks. I would rather have this shit then my youngest child.
damn it man ...I hope she is okay !