Sticky 350 ci aka Chris Barany


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
Well guys, here it goes. I purchased some reat tail lights from 350ci , Chris Barany. I sent him a m/o for $100.00 for a set of gn tail lights. I recieved my tail lights and they were both broken, un useable. So i sent him a pm like always and he said that he would file a claim with ups, since they package the lights and would get back at me. This was back in 9/10/07 the last time i here from himvia the pm's on this site. I've tried calling him at 732-535-2162 and all i get is his voice mail. I 've left several messages and pages for him and no response back. All i want is my tail lights, or my $100.00 bucks back. Its not to much to ask to return someones phone calls or emails! I hope that one of his buddies or some one that knows this 350ci tell him that i want my my, or i'll be here looking for him on any future post! I hope that i get my money back, but if not, do not buy from this man! Thank you for looking and have a good day.

Efrain S. :mad:

I did not get Any messages from you. but I stand by my stuff. Send me back the lights;

Chris Barany
139 Dorothy ave
Edison NJ 08837 -
With Return address amd I'll give you your $100.00

I have dealt with Chris many times, he bought my GN. I have bought/sold/traded parts with him several times, no problems. With his work and college schedule, it is hard to get a hold of him sometimes but I always caught up with him eventually. We've had a lot of money change hands, and it was a common for either of us to owe the other one a few hundred here and there. He'll make it right, did you file with UPS? Kind of hard to file a claim now, and he'll be out some $$ for the shipping company's screwup if you didn't.

Chris, were those the mint taillights from the parts car?
I've had alot of dealings on here. Like Art said, I currently oew him an complete engine thats in my garage. He had my WB02 and still several hundred dollars of mine.
There is no way of me knowing if the lights I sent you were damaged, and that you didnt take them off your car... But I'm not pointing fingers.

And yes, They were the tailights from that Regal.
tail lights

Well Chris, your going to tell me that you didnt recieve any of my pm's or phones calls from me! Come on man, my # is different than any body elses's, i'm in l.a , 323 area code. Im sure you can check you missing calls or phone records. You said that you were goiin to flie a claim with ups, if you did sell me theses tail lights, then why havent i heard from you in regards to what happend with ups claim!
First PM today as of 03:09 PM -

Like I said, I didnt even seen any proof of the lights that I sent you that were to be damanged. UPS should have contacted you. Either way - Send me these lights back and I'll send you your $100.