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Still needin' S2 headers.


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I don't know if I should move this too feedback, or parts wanted, lounge, or junk file!

This is stage II tech. Please leave out the personal stuff or carry it to the correct forum.

BTW, I liked the headers:biggrin:
My bad:biggrin:
I could use the i was drunk line but i dont drink:biggrin:
I got it off my chest now and im done:cool:
Chris Cairns has an American flag for a avatar but is really from Canada :rolleyes:

When the door is open, the flag hangs the correct way. :biggrin: :) :biggrin:

Now that the thread is back where it needs to be, Is anybody interested in these headers?
Where to start..........

Years ago, back in the mid 90's many of we old’uns were part of “The List.” An email based Buick Discussion Group. It worked by one member sending an email to a central computer and it’s software, whereby the computer redistributed that email to all members. We were all newbies to discussing our Buicks on the Net. We got to know each other via this list. We would exchange thoughts, ideas and knowledge, sometimes in a pleasant and sometimes in an unpleasant manner, at which time Scott Keller (founder) would step in and ask us to tone it down. But even those fights weren’t as vindictive or hateful as we see these days on here. Compared to today, those WERE the good old days. Take this one for instance ... interjected with total venom, hatred and rage. Threads elsewhere also follow with the same rage. We can probably expand that to the whole world though, so perhaps it’s just a sign of the times.

For the past few couple of years I’ve been getting tired of the constant bickering here. Combine that with me getting older and older and getting tired of working on these cars and you have the perfect retirement plan. I seem to have problems remembering what part goes where and why it goes there. Not good nor safe.

I’ll be selling most of the my Buick stuff, probably using Ebay since it’s neutral and I won’t have to put up with Jeanie’s post interference, although I may try the “Parts For Sale” page here for some specialized parts. I can’t even imagine the work involved selling everything since I have a huge shop full of hoarded parts. I will keep some though....I still have a love of racing so may sneak out to a track from time to time if I can remember where it is.

Let’s take some of Jeanies’s points....

You’ve repeated 3 times that I wouldn’t say something to you face. You said this to insinuate you’re a man and I’m not. HAD I KNOWN it bugged you so much I would have been happy to say something since I like things out in the open. It wouldn’t have come to fisticuffs since I’m past that school ground mentality, although you appear to want to hang onto it. I’m also curious .... if this bugged YOU so much why didn’t YOU say something to my face over the last 5 years at one of the many face to face meetings we had? Perhaps, as I suspect, you’re just trying your old “I want to impress everyone” with a macho speech from behind the keyboard.

Yes, I own a pawnshop. It’s a business I started 25 years ago, from nothing, with nothing. It’s an accomplishment of which I’m very proud. People voluntarily come in to do business with us, we’re not supported by government, welfare, or handouts. The business also supports 3 families. Can you say you have the ability to support 2 other families?

You stated I’m from Canada? It’s true. I fail to see your point although it sounds like it’s intended as an insult. I’m now a U.S. citizen and proud of that. What astounds me is you state you have Canadian friends yet you insult their country. Perhaps after this insult you’ll have less.

You may take credit for my leaving this board. Not all the credit, just the last straw to break to camel’s back so to speak. As mentioned I’m getting tired of it all and it’s time to go. I have grand children to spoil.

Thank you Sean, for providing the many years of this board. And thanks to all the others on this board who’ve provided enjoyment over the years.
I tryed for over 5 years to forget about the rant you had about me running 9,s years ago and you calling me a lier. Then when you sobered up you had i believe Cotton post a im sorry story about your drinking. You called my friends that are from Canada worthless and they dont contribute to this board or the world. You emailed Clayton and hammerd him all night and i said i would accect your apology but you really should say your sorry to Clayton and others from Canada. You told me on you most sober day you would never say your sorry to anybody from Canada.You are the person that has a deep hate toward Canada not me Chris.Its just the fact you are from Canada and you should be proud of were you came from and not hide it and talk **** about them.

After all that i made a deal with you on a car you hauled 500 mile or so to sell to me and forgot some paper work and didnt leave the car because you didnt trust me. You said i might drive it and the goverment was watching you
because your a firearms dealer. That was and insult to me and i never said anything as you hauled the car back home 500 mile because you didnt trust me. Then you hauled it back the next weekend and it was all good. Then you insulted my friendship by saying my headers are not worth the $750 i was asking for them. You needed a rocker shaft and i sent it to you free and you still didnt trust me and had to pay me for it. Then you needed another and i said id give it to you if you would come to our race. Then you were telling people you would never come to my race because i was holding it as ranson.
Thats even what you told me on the phone that i was holding a rocker shaft for ransom and i was only trying help. That was a total insult and i guess you have no understanding of what friends are and think everyone is out to get you. There are good people in this world that just like to help. I guess this hole thing over time tipped me over:smile:
Good luck
Gene Fleury
Also you have made smart ass comments in front of me about other races and i take offense to that kind of talk.:mad: Ive been on this board for about 10 yrs and you are the only person ive had a problem with and i know you have at least 4 that i know of for sure..
Good luck on your garage sale and i might be bidding on some of your parts:D
Gene Fleury