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still no start


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Aug 5, 2009
Its been a while since i've done anything with my 84 TR (too cold), but i started messing with it the other day and found that I do have spark and there is fuel at the valve on the rail, however It wont start. I think it has something to do with the routing of my spark plug wires. With the way the coil pack is set up i think two of the wires keep crossing. Any suggestions?
I am kind of new to turbo world but i will try to help. The wires would just make it run bad but it would still start my 85 did the same thing to me and it ended up being the crank postion sensor was bad
i agree with the bad coil pack. just changed mine out and shes running fine now. with the help from REGALT-TYPE85, the guy really knows his stuff man... take advise from him he helped me get my 85 GN back on the road.
. . . I do have spark and there is fuel at the valve on the rail, however It wont start. I think it has something to do with the routing of my spark plug wires. With the way the coil pack is set up i think two of the wires keep crossing. Any suggestions?

Fuel at the rail does imply "adequate fuel".
Did you follow the "Crank but no start" link in the sticky? :confused:
i would check the coil pack, wires, and crank sensor. I was able to get a car to fire on starter fluid, but wouldnt run on fuel... i thought maybe bad pump, or bad injectors, yadda yadda yadda... ened up being crank sensor!

i believe it is your crank sensor mine would not start changed crank sensor
started right up'
Go to the sticky and print the crank but no start diagnostic tree. It should lead you right to the problem.