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Stock Aftermarket Headers ?


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Well-Known Member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Apr 26, 2018
I see there are a few options for stock aftermarket headers for the intercooled cars which is nice. Just wondering any vendors have or would make any for the hot air cars? Since TA Performance makes a 86/87 stock replacement header for the passenger side, seems it would be easy to fabricate ones for us 84/85 TR owners.
Do u want stock appearing or actual headers?
Headers are easier! Lots of talented header builders out there, and don't forget hospital handrail fab companies, aerospace and food service plumbers/ welders. Here in Phx,AZ. We have many aerospace welders versed in heliarc welding exotic metals, so stainless is a piece of cake for them. Google the companies, sit in the parking lot, and wait for shift change and ask if anyone is looking for side work.
Custom water jet or plasma cutter companies can make you flanges based off of gaskets, just make sure they add metal area around the outside of the ports for strength and sealing. Stainless u bends in different radii and thickness are easily obtainable, and look at the vendors of 86/87 headers to see what thickness flanges and tubing they are using.
Most sidejob guys will do the job, IF you bring them the flanges, u bends, the original headers, and LOTS of pics of the old ones installed on the engine, so they know what routing to use. Also pics of 86/7 headers, so they have an idea of what is good.
Most header or side job guys will and can do the job, they just won't want to waste time finding the materials, and having the flanges made.
Google is your friend!
I see there are a few options for stock aftermarket headers for the intercooled cars which is nice. Just wondering any vendors have or would make any for the hot air cars? Since TA Performance makes a 86/87 stock replacement header for the passenger side, seems it would be easy to fabricate ones for us 84/85 TR owners.
They do not exist. The only one recently were China crap. Just have a custom set built. The Hot Air market is way too small. Keep an eye out for a set of used Poston hot air headers. These work great. Former hot air owner who increased engine power. Brad
Actual Headers would be OK. Thanks for the tips. My thought is to get a set of the TA Performance Headers for the 86/87
then get a quality fab guy to modify the passenger side to match up with the 84/85 configuration. That way most of the work has already been done. Just a little bit of cutting & welding & will be 100% USA. I think the only difference is the up pipe location or am I wrong?
...The only one recently were China...
I remember seeing something in the past year or so - possibly on ebay. the up pipe was done in 2-pieces with flanges ( 3-bolt or 4-bolt) somewhere about the middle. didn't bookmark it as it seemed like it was fabbed by someone who cannot measure. the PS header / up pipe setup looked like a lot of rework would be needed let alone whatever other fixings needed for fitment.

it was polished stainless with seemingly machine welds - figuring it was definitely from offshore. is that what you remember Brad?
... I think the only difference is the up pipe location or am I wrong?
Dan, #2 primary would get relocated lower on the log trying to keep equal primary length. the log's upsweep would be cut and reworked to go more vertical. then it's just deciding where to stop and what flange...what to do for up pipe connection - whether to use same provisions as OE up pipe so that the factory braided SS up pipe can be used.
I remember seeing something in the past year or so - possibly on ebay. the up pipe was done in 2-pieces with flanges ( 3-bolt or 4-bolt) somewhere about the middle. didn't bookmark it as it seemed like it was fabbed by someone who cannot measure. the PS header / up pipe setup looked like a lot of rework would be needed let alone whatever other fixings needed for fitment.

it was polished stainless with seemingly machine welds - figuring it was definitely from offshore. is that what you remember Brad?
I remember the cheap China hot air headers from several years ago. They required slot of modification in order to work. If I still had my hot air- remove old headers and have new ones custom made based on the old ones. I have been out of hot airs since 2015.
Just a follow upon this thread. I purchased a set of 86/87 TA Performance Headers this winter while my car was in storage. I looked around locally and found a Custom Exhaust Fabricator with some serious skills. He's located in Davisburg Mi. about an hour away from me. Check out his web page at MOTOFAB He also is on F.B. Ernie Miyamoto He is pretty busy, but was able to get me in before I was ready to get my car out of storage. I took him the passenger side TA Header and a passenger side OEM Hot Air Exhaust Manifold + OEM Turbo Up-pipe. He set up a jig to do the fabrication. He cut the 86/87 Header just before the #4 primary on the collector and built out the #2 primary and 2 bolt flange. The "ball flange" to up-pipe had to be custom fabricated, because there is no aftermarket ball flange that will marry up to the OEM up- pipe to make a good tight connection. He did an excellent job making this connection.
Modified TA Headers for HotAir 1.jpg
Jig for Modified Header Passenger Side.jpg
Modified TA Headers - OEM Manifold.jpg
Modified TA Headers for HotAir 2.jpg
PS TA Header Mod for Hot Air 2.jpg
PS TA Header Mod for Hot Air 1.jpg
PS TA Header Mod for Hot Air 3.jpg
PS TA Header Mod to Turbo Up Pipe.jpg
PS TA Header Mod for Hot Air 4.jpg
PS TA Header Mod to Turbo Up Pipe 2.jpg

I picked up the Header & car today and very excited to get busy installing these. Finally gonna take care of my high BLM"s. :cool:
I think I'll link this thread to the non-intercooled section for the Hot Air guys who may be interested in American Made 84/85 Modified TA Performance Headers.
Just a follow upon this thread. I purchased a set of 86/87 TA Performance Headers this winter while my car was in storage. I looked around locally and found a Custom Exhaust Fabricator with some serious skills. He's located in Davisburg Mi. about an hour away from me. Check out his web page at MOTOFAB He also is on F.B. Ernie Miyamoto He is pretty busy, but was able to get me in before I was ready to get my car out of storage. I took him the passenger side TA Header and a passenger side OEM Hot Air Exhaust Manifold + OEM Turbo Up-pipe. He set up a jig to do the fabrication. He cut the 86/87 Header just before the #4 primary on the collector and built out the #2 primary and 2 bolt flange. The "ball flange" to up-pipe had to be custom fabricated, because there is no aftermarket ball flange that will marry up to the OEM up- pipe to make a good tight connection. He did an excellent job making this connection. View attachment 392729

I picked up the Header & car today and very excited to get busy installing these. Finally gonna take care of my high BLM"s. :cool:
I think I'll link this thread to the non-intercooled section for the Hot Air guys who may be interested in American Made 84/85 Modified TA Performance Headers.
Have you been able to install the headers yet?
Do you consider these a performance improvement, or is it just a stock replacement? I was confused with the terms 'Stock' and Headers being used together. Also, the guy who fabricated for you.... you said he made up a jig, does that mean he'd be able to build more and ship them?
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Just a follow upon this thread. I purchased a set of 86/87 TA Performance Headers this winter while my car was in storage. I looked around locally and found a Custom Exhaust Fabricator with some serious skills. He's located in Davisburg Mi. about an hour away from me. Check out his web page at MOTOFAB He also is on F.B. Ernie Miyamoto He is pretty busy, but was able to get me in before I was ready to get my car out of storage. I took him the passenger side TA Header and a passenger side OEM Hot Air Exhaust Manifold + OEM Turbo Up-pipe. He set up a jig to do the fabrication. He cut the 86/87 Header just before the #4 primary on the collector and built out the #2 primary and 2 bolt flange. The "ball flange" to up-pipe had to be custom fabricated, because there is no aftermarket ball flange that will marry up to the OEM up- pipe to make a good tight connection. He did an excellent job making this connection. View attachment 392723View attachment 392726View attachment 392727View attachment 392728View attachment 392729View attachment 392730View attachment 392731View attachment 392732View attachment 392733View attachment 392734

I picked up the Header & car today and very excited to get busy installing these. Finally gonna take care of my high BLM"s. :cool:
I think I'll link this thread to the non-intercooled section for the Hot Air guys who may be interested in American Made 84/85 Modified TA Performance Headers.
What was the price if I may ask?
Just a follow upon this thread. I purchased a set of 86/87 TA Performance Headers this winter while my car was in storage. I looked around locally and found a Custom Exhaust Fabricator with some serious skills. He's located in Davisburg Mi. about an hour away from me. Check out his web page at MOTOFAB He also is on F.B. Ernie Miyamoto He is pretty busy, but was able to get me in before I was ready to get my car out of storage. I took him the passenger side TA Header and a passenger side OEM Hot Air Exhaust Manifold + OEM Turbo Up-pipe. He set up a jig to do the fabrication. He cut the 86/87 Header just before the #4 primary on the collector and built out the #2 primary and 2 bolt flange. The "ball flange" to up-pipe had to be custom fabricated, because there is no aftermarket ball flange that will marry up to the OEM up- pipe to make a good tight connection. He did an excellent job making this connection. View attachment 392723View attachment 392726View attachment 392727View attachment 392728View attachment 392729View attachment 392730View attachment 392731View attachment 392732View attachment 392733View attachment 392734

I picked up the Header & car today and very excited to get busy installing these. Finally gonna take care of my high BLM"s. :cool:
I think I'll link this thread to the non-intercooled section for the Hot Air guys who may be interested in American Made 84/85 Modified TA Performance Headers.
He did a great job.
Have you been able to install the headers yet?
Do you consider these a performance improvement, or is it just a stock replacement? I was confused with the terms 'Stock' and Headers being used together. Also, the guy who fabricated for you.... you said he made up a jig, does that mean he'd be able to build more and ship them?
Haven't had a chance to do the install. Been out of town & a late spring (garage not heated). Will start work on them next week after a car show this weekend in Flint. TA Performance sells a "stock replacement" for the 86/87 exhaust manifold so I used the term "Stock Headers" . I consider these a Stock Replacement although they appear better quality than factory and assume a lot better performance.
I did talk to Ernie Miyamoto and discussed if he was interested in additional P.S. Headers for the Hot Airs. He was a little ambivalent, but said he would give it a thought. He seemed quite busy with bigger fish. I would assume he would be open if he was to fabricate them in quantity.
What was the price if I may ask?
I supplied the TA Performance Header & O2 Bung. Fabrication cost was $250 for his labor. I felt like it was a good deal. Not many options for these Hot Airs when it comes to replacement Headers.
Hello Everyone I am trying to find two, (left and right) exhaust manifolds for my 1985 Buick Riviera which has the V6 Hot Air turbo in it, (LM9). I have a collection of 5 manifolds taken off my car and another 84 Regal and an odd one putchased at a swap meet. Four of them are cracked. I have a MIG welder and can probaly weld up one as a tempaorary get me over summer solution. However I would like to find either NOS or a fabricator who can manufacture a set which will last a longer time. Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you John
I saw Ernie Miyamoto ( this weekend at Flint's "Dust Em Off" car show and talked with him a little bit. I ask him if he got any response from anyone here on this forum about any Hot Air header modifications. He said he got a couple different guys contact him about fabricating the TA Header Mod like he did for me. He told them to send both the old exhaust manifold & the new TA Performance - Stock Header (along with the up pipe so he could make a gig to do the work and gave them a price. No one followed through with him. I would think that if you wanted a complete "new originally configured stainless steel exhaust fabricated" for the Hot Airs he can do it. My thinking is he would need the complete OEM pipes (Passenger, Drivers, Crossover, Turbo Up & Down pipes or better yet.... the car). Depending on where you live, a good fabricator should be able to duplicate your Riviera 's exhaust manifolds..... or call Ernie !
I saw Ernie Miyamoto ( this weekend at Flint's "Dust Em Off" car show and talked with him a little bit. I ask him if he got any response from anyone here on this forum about any Hot Air header modifications. He said he got a couple different guys contact him about fabricating the TA Header Mod like he did for me. He told them to send both the old exhaust manifold & the new TA Performance - Stock Header (along with the up pipe so he could make a gig to do the work and gave them a price. No one followed through with him. I would think that if you wanted a complete "new originally configured stainless steel exhaust fabricated" for the Hot Airs he can do it. My thinking is he would need the complete OEM pipes (Passenger, Drivers, Crossover, Turbo Up & Down pipes or better yet.... the car). Depending on where you live, a good fabricator should be able to duplicate your Riviera 's exhaust manifolds..... or call Ernie !
HotAirWH1 - Thanks again for introducing us to Ernie Miyamoto's work. Ernie is a great guy and hooked me up with a customized 86/87 TA passenger side header and custom up-pipe. I could not get my crossover pipe to fit so I went the TA route. All in all, I am very happy with the results + BLMs are now in check.


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