Just a follow upon this thread. I purchased a set of 86/87 TA Performance Headers this winter while my car was in storage. I looked around locally and found a Custom Exhaust Fabricator with some serious skills. He's located in Davisburg Mi. about an hour away from me. Check out his web page at
MOTOFAB He also is on F.B.
Ernie Miyamoto He is pretty busy, but was able to get me in before I was ready to get my car out of storage. I took him the passenger side TA Header and a passenger side OEM Hot Air Exhaust Manifold + OEM Turbo Up-pipe. He set up a jig to do the fabrication. He cut the 86/87 Header just before the #4 primary on the collector and built out the #2 primary and 2 bolt flange. The "ball flange" to up-pipe had to be custom fabricated, because there is no aftermarket ball flange that will marry up to the OEM up- pipe to make a good tight connection. He did an excellent job making this connection.
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I picked up the Header & car today and very excited to get busy installing these. Finally gonna take care of my high BLM"s.

I think I'll link this thread to the non-intercooled section for the Hot Air guys who may be interested in American Made 84/85 Modified TA Performance Headers.