Thanks for the help guys , I will be picking one up soon .
Aside from all the benefits from better fueling control and the adjustable features the upgraded
mass air flow meters can do a much better job of letting your turbo inhale the air easier meaning it will make a given
amount of boost easier which usually means you can run at slightly higher boost setting
and we all know what happens when we can run more boost,,,,,we have more fun...right?
Picture having a milkshake with a small straw verses a large straw and you can get the idea.
Anything you can do to get the air in or out of your engine easier will let you make more power.
Back in the day we were pretty much done with a stock modified mass air meter when you
made enough power to run about 132-134 mph. And that was only if you were in good
with whoever was making your chips as it would take many iterations to get to that point.
I really have no idea where the limits are today with the newer MAF sensor upgrades
as I went to a fast system but I bet its a good bit more than the 132-134 we were stuck at.