Stop Drinking Coca Cola..

I'm on the straight and narrow from now on. No more of that soda crap for me.

From now on it's beer only.;)
Speaking about soda ordered a 1/2 a chicken meal with sweet tea from a local chicken on the grill place and the guy put soda instead of tea by mistake, i poked the straw in the cup and sucked away..and when i tasted the soda this thread popped up in my head..
I worked with raw asbestos for 10 years in a wire factory in my younger years, none of this stuff scares me. Hell I don't want to get real old anyway. Working in the nursing home industry will do that to you. I usually stock my refrigerator at my work office with water, but will hit the vending machine once in a while for a diet Coke.

I would really like to know the story on the 5 hour energy stuff that Summit Racing has been including with orders to me.
I know someone that just had to go to the ER and had a brain aneurysm after consuming 2 of those. :eek:
I heard an interview on NPR on the 5 hour energy stuff--- I need some sort of caffeine since I don't drink coffee--- Anyway, they were saying that it had been tested at an independent lab and while it did have caffeine (apparently still less than your average Starbucks), the main ingredient was vitmin B6. Several times over the FDA recommended daily allowance...
I know someone that just had to go to the ER and had a brain aneurysm after consuming 2 of those. :eek:

Damn thats crazy im gna stay away from 5 hour energy...i know the energy drinks like redbull really mess up your liver from what ive read! But it taste pretty good with Goose
Questioning authority does not mean disregarding authoritative research. I've sat through hundreds of lectures on dental topics. All have to give references as well as their own data. It all done scientificly and researchable. I am confident in the research that the CDC has done regarding fluoride in drinking water. Like I said, there areas around the world that fluoride occurs naturally, in some instances too much. The WHO has guidelines and they do recognize the efficacy of fluoride for prevention of dental caries. Yes too much is not healthy for people. So is every element and compound if it is too concentrated. I am an authority on fixed dental partials. Been a Certified Dental Technician in Crown and Bridge for 28 years. I have made over 30,000 crowns and bridges. Over the years I've worked in dental offices and commercial labs. I can say flat out in this part of the country there is no natural fluoride in the water. Patients that my wife sees that are on wells have to have fluoride treatments or the kids get mulitble cavites. Both my children have 0 cavities and they had fluoride in the public water besides good dental hygene. I did not have fluoride and had cavities in every molar. I have never seen a case of fluorosis. Tetracycline discoloring was an issue years ago fron kids taking the antibiotic. Today there are new antibiotics have pretty much eleminated that issue.

Clearly we have a different view of government and its many appendages. For the record I tend to take the contrarian view on almost everything from the government, only because their programs are always of a social engineering construct (see tax code, farm programs, social services programs for numerous other examples). But I digress.

I appreciate your background and respect your opinion. But you never addressed my points on Fluoride. I don't disagree there is some link between fluoride and lower rates of tooth decay. But that was never my point. My position is that it may help, but it damages so many other parts of your body why risk it?

So do you disagree that the compound Sodium Fluoride is used in public drinking water supplies? I have confirmed with the water department of the largest metropolitan area in SD that it is in fact used. It is used nationwide. See attached Material Safety Data Sheet for reference.

Furthermore do you disagree that Sodium Flouride has serious negative health consequences? See attached links for an overview.

I have one cavity and was raised on well water. Go figure. I think genetics, diet, and oral health have a much bigger influence on cavity rates than they are given credit for. See attached link.

I've hijacked this thread enough. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Soft drinks are bad for you... Check
Tap water is bad for you... Check
Milk is apparently bad for you because of all the fat and calcium... Check
Juices have too much sugar in them... Check
Beer has alchohol in it which is a poison to the body... Check

So what the heck is a person supposed to drink? I guarantee in the near future (if it hasn't already happened), someone will come out with research that says filtered water is bad for you. They will have some crazy claim that filtering the water removes minerals your body needs. And that research will be paid for by a company that sells something that directly competes with water filters.
Clearly we have a different view of government and its many appendages. For the record I tend to take the contrarian view on almost everything from the government, only because their programs are always of a social engineering construct (see tax code, farm programs, social services programs for numerous other examples). But I digress.

I appreciate your background and respect your opinion. But you never addressed my points on Fluoride. I don't disagree there is some link between fluoride and lower rates of tooth decay. But that was never my point. My position is that it may help, but it damages so many other parts of your body why risk it?

So do you disagree that the compound Sodium Fluoride is used in public drinking water supplies? I have confirmed with the water department of the largest metropolitan area in SD that it is in fact used. It is used nationwide. See attached Material Safety Data Sheet for reference.

Furthermore do you disagree that Sodium Flouride has serious negative health consequences? See attached links for an overview.

I have one cavity and was raised on well water. Go figure. I think genetics, diet, and oral health have a much bigger influence on cavity rates than they are given credit for. See attached link.

I've hijacked this thread enough. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Sodium Fluoride is the chemical used to fluordate public drinking water. So what. Like I said it's the amount not the chemical. Sodium Choride is in water too. If at too high amounts it will be hazardous to health too, try drinking salt water.
I will no longer discuss this. The CDC is one of the most renowed and respected government run agency in the world. Clearly you have your mind made up regardless of the science. So be it.
I heard an interview on NPR on the 5 hour energy stuff--- I need some sort of caffeine since I don't drink coffee--- Anyway, they were saying that it had been tested at an independent lab and while it did have caffeine (apparently still less than your average Starbucks), the main ingredient was vitmin B6. Several times over the FDA recommended daily allowance...

Yes, the primary ingredients are vitamin B6, and B12, and a small amount of caffiene. I only rarely use them(1) when I'm on a particularly long drive and start getting a little drowsy. They sure work for me.

Caffeine is my only vice, I dring copeous amounts of coffee every day, BUT, I buy decaf.
Nobody mentioned coffee? I hear it's now considered good for you...? I like water. I chug it daily, especially in the morning.
Soft drinks are bad for you... Check
Tap water is bad for you... Check
Milk is apparently bad for you because of all the fat and calcium... Check
Juices have too much sugar in them... Check
Beer has alchohol in it which is a poison to the body... Check

So what the heck is a person supposed to drink? I guarantee in the near future (if it hasn't already happened), someone will come out with research that says filtered water is bad for you. They will have some crazy claim that filtering the water removes minerals your body needs. And that research will be paid for by a company that sells something that directly competes with water filters.
Damn im glad i have really good tasting well water. Its probably full of mercury but wth it tastes good and there is no nutritional label on it to scare me away so i guess my daily mercury allowance is consumed.
The Sodium Fluoride found in your tap water may not be dnagerous in it's newly reduced recommended amount by HHS. However, your water is not the only place you encounter this toxic chemical cocktail. It's found not only in many products, but it used to kill bugs (yes you read that correctly) in orchards and is why you always polish an apple or other fruit before eating. The chemical does penetrate the skin of the fruit and becomes part of the content of what you eat. Additionally, you find it in even higher than recommended concentration in toothpaste and mouthwashes and is the direct reason that the CDC warning is on the labels of those products! For the unlikely possibility of a reaction, were you to swallow the product.

Now I know we all like having teeth. And we all like having White teeth at that...
But you should All consider taking some precautions against the overdosing of this toxic chemical you're ingesting.
Quite honestly, my teeth used to be Brown! 10-12 cups of coffee or tea/day plus smoking for 20-yrs = what I deserve.
Mostly, all I quit doing was brushing 4-times/day with Crest tartar control with whitening and switched to Tom's of Maine Antiplaque with Whitening/ fluoride free toothpaste. In 3-months they turned nearly white all by themselves with no further change in my habits at that point.

You should really look into Fluoride water treatment. It's not just fluoride, which is bad enough. It's a byproduct of aluminum production that the manufacturers would have to pay for as toxic waste if they couldn't pass it off as 'safe' to stick in everybodies water in diluted quantities. It's a toxic cocktail of hundreds of ingredients which fall under a catch-all heading known as "fluoride". I believe that anybody who actually takes the time to look into this will be as disgusted as anyone who sticks a steak in Coca-Cola for a few days just to see what it will do....... The crap we endure for corporate profitability with the blessing of the FDA is just sickening.......
I know someone that just had to go to the ER and had a brain aneurysm after consuming 2 of those. :eek:

and i'm sure the guy was the model of perfect health right up until taking the 5 hour energy shots...

i drink at least 4 cans of Pepsi Throwback (made with real sugar!!) every day.. i eat almost nothing but processed foods that i get out of the freezer and fast food from whatever place i feel like driving thru on the way to work.. i'm really not as active as i used to be and am honestly a good 35-40 pounds over where i felt like i was at my physical peak 10 years ago, but at my last physical in November every test came in within spec for someone my age and height.
on the one hand, i want to lose those 35-40 pounds, but on the other hand i just bought 4 pairs of pants that fit me...
Gimme soda, candy, cake, fried chicken, salad with extra dressing, ice cream, pop corn, sugar, sugar, and more sugar.