if you have car payments, revolving loans, and credit card debt how can you save effectively? The interest on those will be more than 8% in most cases./QUOTE]
I have all of those. My interest rate is lower than 8%. My mortage has 2 years to go, I pay my cc off each month, pay extra on my equity loan and still save. It's all a matter of budgeting and knowing when you can use credit and when you just have to wait. I do not make good money. Never have. My bad for picking a career that doesn't pay. I do love what I do though and it is very close to home. That helped me be able to be home when the kids got out of school and spend time with my son with his soccer. I'ld never trade the quality time I spent with my son for getting more money working.
The myth that your home is an investment is stupid. It's a HOME. You need it for shelter. I remember the stupid commericals for equity loans for 125% value of your homes! Only a moron with go for that! The myth that home values always would go up is historicaly wrong! There was a stretch from the early 30s to early 50s that the value of homes flatlined. I never counted on my home as an "investment". I have done additions and updates to make it more liveable for my family. When the time comes to sell it, I'm sure the money spent on the mortgage interest and the cost of updates will be more than that value of the house BUT I have lived in the house and raised a family in it and very soon call it all mine.