Street Racing in San Diego


New Member
Nov 27, 2002
Here is what San Diego is doing to stop street racing. When they say "seize vehicles", that means take the title and never give it back. The car is GONE FOREVER! They are tough!

Drag Racers Would Forfeit Cars Under New Law
04-08-2003 10:52:AM
(San Diego, CA) -- San Diego police will soon have the authority to seize vehicles used in illegal street races. The City Council approved the ordinance yesterday in a first reading in an ongoing effort to stop innocent victims from being killed in drag racing crashes. The new law is expected to go into effect in a couple of months. Late last year, the council passed another ordinance making it illegal to attend street races. Violators face up to six months in jail and a $1 thousand fine.
They passed that in Wayne Co. MI. a year or two ago. 2 years after closing the dragstrip. I bet its not easy for you to get to a strip either.
Wayne County, MI

Wayne County will snatch your car if you drag race. YOU can get it back but it will run you about 3 dimes plus alot of aggravation. Just stay out of Detroit, especially after this weeks Americas Most Wanted.

A point of clarification, Michigan counties cannot enact criminal ordinances. Only municipalities can do that and counties are not municipalities.

It shouldn't be necessary for cities, townships or villages to enact such an ordinance since "drag racing" is already a misdemeanor under state law. Being stopped for any misdemeanor CAN get your car impounded since you're technically under arrest, even if you're released on site with just a ticket. Most municipalities adopt the Michigan Vehicle Code as local ordinances which means they should already have the tools for taking cars caught drag racing without passing any new laws. ??
whoa there goes street racing here in cali

i am not getting caught and having my car impounded, no wayyy..
Damn, and i havent even got my license yet:( Now im gonna have to go to Irwindale and beat all the ricers on the small 1/8 mile track.:D
In Wayne County, MI they will seize your car, not just impound it. I am not a lawyer, but I think they rolled drag racing under some type of nuisance law that gives them the ability to seize the vehicle and auction it off. I think a misdemeanor impounding of a car you can get the car back the next day if you pay the impound fee. If the car is seized you are screwed, you can't get the car unless they have a set fee for you (drag racing in Wayne Co. is about 3000.00) to pay or, you bid for your car at auction, or go to court about a year later and even if you win you still have to pay storage fees on your car that was at the impound lot, if you lose you go to auction. I know a couple of guys that got pinched in Wayne Co. for drag racing and that was kind of how it played out. I think that is the same nuisance type law as illegal gambling, drugs, and prostitution.

A snag?

Seems like I remember years ago that the state of Florida began seizing vehicles that were used in drug transportation. Problem was, if the car was financed through a bank, and the bank held the title, then the state had to satisfy the lein before taking the vehicle. Now if you had a beautiful Vette and you only owed $500 on it, the state paid the $500 and got a car to auction off for $6500, but if you owed $6500 on the same Vette, the state didn't want it. In that case the bank would repo it and sell it. Just food for thought, I'm not a lawyer, so my info is third person. - BB
All that vacant land downtown by the river where no one lives to complain. It would seem like the motor city would have a drag strip.:mad: :mad:
I got one word for all you street racers in San Diago:


...if you are about to get caught in the act, why not make the pigs work for their paycheck? The chance of getting away with your car could be worth it, depnding on the situation and how close the cop is.:eek:
Originally posted by BADNEWZ
In Wayne County, MI they will seize your car, not just impound it. I am not a lawyer, but I think they rolled drag racing under some type of nuisance law that gives them the ability to seize the vehicle and auction it off. I think a misdemeanor impounding of a car you can get the car back the next day if you pay the impound fee. If the car is seized you are screwed, you can't get the car unless they have a set fee for you (drag racing in Wayne Co. is about 3000.00) to pay or, you bid for your car at auction, or go to court about a year later and even if you win you still have to pay storage fees on your car that was at the impound lot, if you lose you go to auction. I know a couple of guys that got pinched in Wayne Co. for drag racing and that was kind of how it played out. I think that is the same nuisance type law as illegal gambling, drugs, and prostitution.

That would be a civil forfeiture you describe. It's big-brother extending it's infinitely funded arm into your pocket even deeper. They file civil forfeiture (lawsuit) proceedings against the accused to take property used in the "fruit" of the crime. In this case the crime against humanity is drag racing. I'm really surprised they're doing that since it wasn't too successful against drunk drivers, even in their 3rd offense (felony). In my opinion it's government greed gone amok.
This law is bias. The ricers have an unfair advantage. After-all how do you know when they are racing.??????:eek:
Originally posted by whitehot84
This law is bias. The ricers have an unfair advantage. After-all how do you know when they are racing.??????:eek:
Take it from a cop, you look for the neon lights 'cuz those add 50hp.
Originally posted by Pat Adkins
They passed that in Wayne Co. MI. a year or two ago. 2 years after closing the dragstrip. I bet its not easy for you to get to a strip either.

We're lucky to have 3 three drag strips within about a 45 minute drive of San Diego. Two of them are only 1/8 mile so far, but the third one is a full 1/4 mile strip.
Were still the fre'est nation but becoming less free everyday. We cant' continue to have population growth and unchecked immigration and retain our quality of life. The gov allows growth but has to take money from hard working citizenry to fund it. Life in America up to the 1970's was cheeper and freer than it ever will be again. But hey. Im just not "progressive" in my way of thinking.