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Stricter Emissions Laws for WA State?


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Sep 16, 2003
I received this information from a fellow car buff and am passing it on to others who may be affected if this new law passes. Please take the time and call the toll free number listed below and express your opinion of this ridiculous bill.

What's this about you ask?

Well, the Washington State House of Representatives have passed a bill that
would have our state mirror California's emissions testing laws in every
way. That means we would have emissions testing all over this state,
everywhere. And that is just the beginning.

As California changes their standards, Washington would follow, like a bunch
of sheep. NO decisions on what is best for our state, no thought about how
we are not California, just follow the leader.

Some parts of the current California rules: If you have modified your cars
engine or exhaust system you need to have the EO sticker on your cowl. Don't
have it? You can't register. We're not just talking sniffer tests anymore;
we're talking about them taking away our rights to our cars. If you do have
the EO stickers you need to go to a referee station who will decide if it is
acceptable. Even if each part is OK, they can still say no!

California is also looking at removing the rolling exemption for cars older
than 25 years. How many of us have an classic car that is COMPLETELY stock?

This will also create a new bureaucracy in a time when the state has a
budget crunch. Where's that money going to come from.

So, what can we do? Well, the bill is in the Senate now, so there is still
time. I urge each and every one of you to call the congressional hotline at
1-800-562-6000. Tell them who you are, where you live (this lets them know
who your senator and reps are) and that you are against Senate Bill 5397 and
House Bill 1397. Each call is important, they consider everyone who calls in
to be the equivalent of 100 voters. Everyone who is of voting age can call.
After your are done hand the phone to any other voting age person with you
and have them log their protest. Let's make this so controversial that they
drop it!

Also, on Tuesday, March 29th there will be a public hearing in Olympia about
this. If you can go to our state capitol to voice your concerns, please do

Here are links to both the house and senate bills

House Bill 1397
ear=2005> &year=2005

Senate Bill 5397
ear=2005> &year=2005

Please call the hotline. And you can also send email to each of your reps
and your senators. They are looking at these rules taking effect by the end
of this year!
I don't see where the proposed law imposes all the California restrictions and additional emission testing on cars older than 2009 models. Which section is the big concern?

I can see the concern of ever increasing restrictions down the road if WA State keeps following Kalifornia's "progressive" emission standards.
If you really think that it will only affect vehicles newer than 2009 forever, then I have something really expensive to sell you!!! If this passes it only opens the window for more restrictions on older cars.
Originally posted by TurboNova
If you really think that it will only affect vehicles newer than 2009 forever, then I have something really expensive to sell you!!! If this passes it only opens the window for more restrictions on older cars.

Yep, I totally agree. I was just trying to clarify that the current proposed bill does not immediately affect our cars. You never know what the politicians will do in the future.