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Stuipd Ricers!!!


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Mar 17, 2002
Ok well I was leaving a friends house tonight at about 12:00 or so. So I figure the night is cold the air is dense, so I think why not go out looking for some races. Well not 10 sec after I pull out of the neighborhood and get on to Houghton ( a single lane road on the out skirts of town) I see to sets of headlights coming up fast. No mide you this is a one lane each way with no passing double yellow lines. Well the first set looks to be a camary and he has like a 40mph jump on me and swings out to pass. Well I lean on to it and stay right with him. Then out of nowhere he gives me his flashers!!! At this point I am like WTF :mad: I can't believe he counts that as a race. Well we catch the next light and I set my self like a car lenght behing him and when the light goes green I leave with no boost, mean while he launches all hard. well I am on his ass like no time fast and I even thought about swinging out and passing him, but I am glad I didn't. At this point we are approching fast on a 94-96 Impala SS So I shut it down and let him go. Well apperantly this was not enought for him he once again passes in the double yellow then his friend who was a memory ( we droped him so hard I thought he stoped) Flys by me and the Impala going like 90-100mph. So I just let that go. If I don't show some maturaty these Imports no I mean RICERS are going to kill them selves or maybe someone else. Well the pull into a Circle K and the Impala follows them in. So I figure the guy is going to ream them for that stupid stunt.

Well I leave them alone and gooff my own seperat way looking for a more even race only to cme acrossed the friend of the camary, in his Integra. Well I roll down my window and ask him what was up with his friend flying past me in a no passing zone? He just says whatever. And then says "You want to race?" So I figure well at least this way he can tell his friend how fast I am. So we go from a 30 mph roll I even give him the jump from no boostwell like expected I realled him in and easly put a car or two on him. Well I tell him to let his friend know I am down if he ever wants to run again, for real this time and say my good byes.

Over all not a bad night I guess I educated at least one person to not disrespect a plain looking TA with gold emblems.
I am constantly amazed at the immaturity and stupidity of a lot of the ricer crowd. I hate to generalize, bucause some of the guys are OK. But a lot of them need to grow up.
Originally posted by Captain Mark
I am constantly amazed at the immaturity and stupidity of a lot of the ricer crowd.

Not me. Not much they can do to surprise me anymore.
It is sad but it seems like the past two generations have a serious driving problem and lack of maturity and no "life" experience. When they get behind the wheel of their car they put on their capes and think they are invincible and cant die. They also do a brain dump before driving off. No sense to rely on. You can't teach common sense but you can teach responsiblity. Seems these recent generations were shorted in the CS area and dont care about being responsible. :confused: They also lack the motivation to learn responsiblity, someone, somewhere didnt drive that home. But, then again, you cant tell these kids anything because they "know everything".:rolleyes:
