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May 29, 2001
Here's my latest bonehead move (not the first or last, I'm sure):
Took my uppipe off to pour in GM top engine cleaner. Struggled with keeping the dam car running while dribbling in the stuff. finally did the job. Smoked out the whole neighborhood.:D Put uppipe back on. Took the car around the block to blow out the carbon. Hit the boost in 1st gear and noticed 17 deg of knock. Hum, that's weird. It was doing fine before. Turned around and hit 24 lbs of boost again - big knock retard. Drove home and parked it. Piled the family into the Blazer and headed to the grocery store while think about it. Then it hit me! I forgot to re-attach the alky line. Oh boy, did I get lucky only hitting knock under the lower load of 1st gear and got out of the boost quickly. No blown headgasket...yet. I'm on borrowed time though.

I fessed up, now it's your turn. Tells us your brain dead things that you unintentionally did to your car.
When i first rebuilt the stock block i primed the oil pump with the turbo oil feed line off and said i will never do that again:rolleyes: Then when i put the stage 1 motor in a was priming it and looked under the car and guess what.... The pool of oil under the car was from the oil feed line i forgot to hook up:o Things like that happen to anyone no matter how good you are. A few years ago Kenny Berstein fired his top fuel dragster up on the starting line and had no oil presure and shut it off and lost the round. They forgot to put oil in it:mad:
sure got some of those

In DEC I was trying to start my hybrid. could not figure out why it was not starting. I forgot to put the chip in the ecm :P I am sure there will be lots more of those type of things. I try to duble and triple check things. I really don't want to screw this motor up :)
When I had my '90 Mustang, I was changing out the fuel filter and used a set of visce grips to crimp the fuel line. Well.....

A week went by and I was trying to figure out why the car was leaning out. Anyone want to guess why I didn't have any fuel pressure?

If you answered visce grips, then you would be correct! :eek:
I usually end up hurting myself more than the car. the other day I was bolting up my QA1 rear shocks and punched myself in the eye with the box end of the wrench I was using:o
when putting a new cam porting heads and all on my 85 i pulled the lifters out and didnt change the cam tell a few days later.
pulled the cam out and heard two loud thumps in the oil pan ,hadnt pulled out two lifters . and ill tell ya its not real fun fishing those things out with a magnet on a stick
I'm installing a new motor in my Syclone, and yesterdays efforts included mounting the upper portion of the downpipe, and a shroud I made to help keep heat off the intercooler. This is a very tight fit, and must be done through the wheelwell, with tire removed. The dowpipe is a two piece, with a V bandclamp holding the two pieces together. I know that when doing the upper piece, that the V bandclamp has to be in place as it sit so close to the header that it cannot be put on afterwards.

As I go out this morning with a cup of coffee in hand to admire yesterdays efforts, lying on the floor smiling at me is the V bandclamp and the 2nd piece of downpipe..... groan.

Thank goodness this is my first ever mistake like this....:rolleyes: time when I was working on a motor for Dennis, I um....well.....I guess I won't mention that.

Well there was this other time when I was working on Geno's cylinder heads and lets not talk about that either.

Okay how about the time I spent a week dialing in a set of cams in my Lightning motor and then spent the next month trying to figure out why it would only run on 4 cylinders and then finally realized I had one cam out of phase with the other one by 180 degrees........don't really happened.
and... AND ...I had to pull the motor to fix it.

Genes probably wiping the beer off his computer screen after reading that one :D
Your killing me here Dale
;) Now i have to clean the beer off the computer screen i just buck snorted all over the place LOL.. Like i said before even the best have bad days and if you never make mistakes it because your not doing anything:rolleyes: