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Supah Dupah Kill #2


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turbo buicks

Jun 13, 2002
soz i waz drivin my Turbo Regal with the Scanmaster v. 2.15974356 and i see this fag with Abe Lincoln in the car and he revs on me so i shot him with a gun. death to Toni Baloni i say to him as i speed off in my Buick.

Toni Baloni=:rolleyes:
i think his posts are stupid and they dont even have anything to do with racing but they seem to saty around for awhile when other racing stories involving Buicks are deleted within in seconds because the Buick lost or something. just my opinion i guess. who is he anyways?
at least tony baloni has a "Buick" .. if someone witha mopar posts because he likes buicks and wants to share his story with buick people, Rollin gets upset :rolleyes: but the troll threads always seem to stay open for a few days too hmm
This area is the "Kill/Fish" section. For 3.8 GM Turbo racing win or lose. Fish stories are associated with stretching the truth hence the "Fish" terminology. The Mr Baloni's stories are what they are stories. Much like Ravens fictional stories, would you all like to whine about those too?
You all must also understand is that I am not the only one with the power to delete and/or alter a thread. With as much attention this area has received lately that is to be expected.
I'll be the bad guy I don't have a problem with it. Blame it on me.
Have a good New Year.

Who says Tony is a troll? I like his stories. Beats the hell out of workin'. If you don't want to read it, don't. Just my $0.02.:D

Hey Equalizer, better keep your nose clean. I think you're still on double secret probation.:D :D
it seems whenever a turbo buick loses a race most every member gets all worked up and tries to justify their loss and don't believe the kill of the tr. ohh, you have much more money, ohh the tr must be running bad. and then the funniest thing is when people challenge the person who started the kill to come half way across the country to race them, or i have even seem the conversations get so heated that fights have been threatened. its all very lame in my opinion.

For the most part your right, it is lame. Do not think we are all like the select few who unrealistically challenge or threaten from the safety of the keyboard. Their are those of us who see thru that and will not allow themselves to be drawn to a waste of time and bandwidth for the enjoyment of the writer. In the past we have had our share of people coming to this Board with the intentions of instigating arguments and/or flame wars. They usually start with berating and glorification of how bad the vehicle and/or owners are. Making the reader feel that the general assumption is "all" owners and their choice of vehicle are in question. Insecurity is what the writer relies upon to start a successful flame war, some of our younger members do not understand this yet, but they will. Your post had the right combination of statements which were conducive to promoting a waste of bandwidth and was deleted, once by myself and after the repost, by another administrator. You are free to utilize this site, for the most part there is alot of information here. All that is asked of you is to follow the rules you agreed to upon registering.


Happy New Year to all.

Originally posted by blown8
This area is the "Kill/Fish" section. For 3.8 GM Turbo racing win or lose. Fish stories are associated with stretching the truth hence the "Fish" terminology.

ummm or lose huh? it seems i got my post deleted the other day about how i beat a t-type, and for what? my post was not obscene, no vulgarities, and yet it was still deleted. it seems whenever a turbo buick loses a race most every member gets all worked up and tries to justify their loss and don't believe the kill of the tr. ohh, you have much more money, ohh the tr must be running bad. and then the funniest thing is when people challenge the person who started the kill to come half way across the country to race them, or i have even seem the conversations get so heated that fights have been threatened. its all very lame in my opinion. there are much more important things than cars, some of you(not all) need to calm down. *cough* ford lover *cough*.... ohh well, that's just my 2 cents, maybe this post will last longer than 4 hours....p.s. i am not a troll, just a buick admirer who wants to learn more, my location and sig are just a little humor, no need to cry and start talking about how your "brethren" will smoke me....
A turbo Buick is racing when his RPM exceeds 1200. You can't count that as a kill otherwise. Just listen for the RPM to come up, turbo whine and exhaust sound. Next time listen for these clues when you think you're racing a turbo Buick.
Originally posted by turbo buicks
soz i waz drivin my Turbo Regal with the Scanmaster v. 2.15974356 and i see this fag with Abe Lincoln in the car and he revs on me so i shot him with a gun. death to Toni Baloni i say to him as i speed off in my Buick.

Toni Baloni=:rolleyes:
Ohhhh, that was hilarous. You apparently have a very limited imagination and/or sense of humor. You need to lighten up....
quote: Ohhhh, that was hilarous. You apparently have a very limited imagination and/or sense of humor. You need to lighten up....

i wasnt trying to be funny. i was expressing my dislike for Toni Baloni's posts by mocking one of his. they have nothing to do with anything but no one seems to care. seems like hes getting free bandwidth only b/c his posts say Buick in them, forget the fact that they are nothing but B.S. seems as though the general Kill/Fish Forum rule is, The Buick Can Never Lose. im sure a Stang or Camaro with blown8's mods could certainly walk a mid 11 sec T-type. no, actually, ill bet the T-type ran mid 11s but never went over 1200 RPM right b/c its sooooo powerful it never need to go WOT. id like to see you race under 1200 RPM, ill bet you would smoke anything street legal. Oh and you couldnt be further from the truth with your statement about my imagination and/or sense of humor. im probably one of the funniest people you could ever meet. class clown, ya thats me. im 100% the opposite of what you are talking about, ask any of my friends on this board.

If you don't like his posts, don't read them.

I don't think you or I are paying any board bandwidth bills so that's not an issue.

You could look at Toni's posts as sarcastic to the TR community as mocking their performance. If his posts appeared on a non-GM board they'd have a totally different perspective. They can be taken both ways.

You may be right regarding where he choses to post these threads. The Lounge may be more appropriate.

The TR racing at 1200 RPM was humor/irony.

Not sure what blown8's mods are but I raced a blown Saleen with my little TTA V-6 and it was a dead heat. I know what it had since I saw the engine. But you're right, I was a tad over 1200 RPM but below 5000.

TR fan or not, his stories are imaginative, well written with Joysey vernacular and very entertaining. That takes talent....
Originally posted by TT/A1233

If you don't like his posts, don't read them.

I don't think you or I are paying any board bandwidth bills so that's not an issue.

You could look at Toni's posts as sarcastic to the TR community as mocking their performance. If his posts appeared on a non-GM board they'd have a totally different perspective. They can be taken both ways.

You may be right regarding where he choses to post these threads. The Lounge may be more appropriate.

The TR racing at 1200 RPM was humor/irony.

Not sure what blown8's mods are but I raced a blown Saleen with my little TTA V-6 and it was a dead heat. I know what it had since I saw the engine. But you're right, I was a tad over 1200 RPM but below 5000.

TR fan or not, his stories are imaginative, well written with Joysey vernacular and very entertaining. That takes talent....

i dont read his posts b/c i dont like them and thats just my perrogative.

if i remeber in his deleted post blown8 said he had heads/cam, s/c, and 150 shot so it would probably be a little different than the Saleen.

the bandwidth thing was just my opinion about Tony's posts being more of a waste of space than a TR losing post. again just my opinion.

Boo Hoo

Many of us here at enjoy Tony's hillarious posts. Your whining could potentially rob us of countless future laughs. I for one savor every giggle!

Youze don't like the posts? Fine! If you have nothing nice to say, why take the time to post? What did Tony ever do to you? You mentioned how you don't read Tony's posts, yet you practically quote him in this thread, and go into great detail regarding his subject matter. You seem very well read to me. I'm not trying to stir, but IMO your comments were both rude and unwarranted.

I check the Kill section regularly for new Supah Kills, especially since this is a slow time of year for any actual street encounters for many of us. The message board reflects it.

Be nice, it's so much......nicer!
oh ya last time i checked im entitled to my opinion. im not quoting him, im mocking him. i would have to have read at least one of his posts to form an opinion of him so therefore i would know how to quote him simply because i have read one of his stories before. now, back to one of my original questions, WHO IS TONI BALONI???
Originally posted by Rollin
This area is the "Kill/Fish" section. For 3.8 GM Turbo racing win or lose. Fish stories are associated with stretching the truth hence the "Fish" terminology. The Mr Baloni's stories are what they are stories. Much like Ravens fictional stories, would you all like to whine about those too?
You all must also understand is that I am not the only one with the power to delete and/or alter a thread. With as much attention this area has received lately that is to be expected.
I'll be the bad guy I don't have a problem with it. Blame it on me.
Have a good New Year.


Exactly. Loosen up turbo buicks and enjoy the ride. Don't take yourself, the stories, or these cars too seriously, mmmkay? :D

Raven = #1 (waiting for more)
Toni Baloni = #2 (ditto!)
Originally posted by turbo buicks
now, back to one of my original questions, WHO IS TONI BALONI???

What does it matter? He is either a God or a Fictional character... You seem to have some serious control issues, or are insecure that you can't blast off into space with your Buick too. ;)

Don't like his posts, don't open them... and definitely don't read them. It is simple logic.
One of the very first posts I read in the Kill/Fish section was a post by Tony Baloni. It was very obvious that it was a post designed to make people laugh. I of course did laugh. I say leave Tony alone before he makes you "knock retards" lighten up manually though amputation!

Your whining could potentially rob us of countless future laughs.

i think we have been threw this before, this board has to many cry babies. remember all my posts? alot of people liked them and then some punk had to rat me out and whine, that is why this board sucks.
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