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Supah Dupah Kill #2


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that is why this board sucks.

Well then MY suggestion is GET THE HELL OFF OF IT THEN.

If it sucks so bad, why do you and several of your playmates keep posting and making the adults on this board have to read yours and several other immature subscribers crap.
i find it very ironic that TONI BALONI is the same name that we have been calling TONY DeliverbigpromisesbutcollectthecashQuick
for along time here at turbo buick... and they is BOTH pranksters !!

wonder if TONI BALONI will ever post a story about getting robbed/ robbing people via EBAY or MAIL ORDER????


that is why this board sucks.

Well then MY suggestion is GET THE HELL OFF OF IT THEN.

If it sucks so bad, why do you and several of your playmates keep posting and making the adults on this board have to read yours and several other immature subscribers crap.

This is a prime example of the little babies doing the bitching that makes the forum suck, of course its better then nothing so im going to be sticking around for a little while.

I seriously think a lot of people in here have no sense of humor, and I pity them for that. Take tlturbo for example, I voice my opinion and he tells me to get the hell out. I feel sorry for people like that because there smug little existence is filled full of hate and the only joy they get in life is trying to start flame wars. I feel for ya bro hang in there life gets better once you pull your head out of your ass. :rolleyes:
I feel sorry for people like that because there smug little existence is filled full of hate and the only joy they get in life is trying to start flame wars.

Now thats irony for ya! ROFLMAO see I have a sense of humor:D Just alittle friendly FYI from personal exp. As you grow older you will realize sometimes it's easier just to sit back and not voice your opinion(s) on a internet BB... why? Although you may be able to control the content(in my case), your not going to change another persons opinion and/or beliefs with one statement. Besides the astute reader can tell what type of person their dealing with the way an individual projects him or herself in words. Arguing with people who feel comfortable with school yard tatics is a waste of time:D

Turbo buick, I gave you some lattitude with this post and it has done nothing it wasn't even close. The only thing it has accomplished is turning into a gripe fest with people arguing amongst one another. This thread is locked, if you have a valid problem with Mr Baloni e-mail him.... seriously.

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