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Supercharger going "bad"?


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New Member
Jan 4, 2004
I'm a new guy here. My grandmother has a 98' Regal GS with about 80k miles and a while back the belt broke. The way I interepret it that the supercharger seized up. They had the Eaton M-90 replaced and there are no apparent problems now. Has anyone else had this problem? This is the first time I've heard anything remoltely like this. I'm on several SVT boards and I have yet to here about a Lightning or 03' Cobra with this problem.
If the belt broke the blower wouldn't be spinning. How could it seize w/o it spinning? Sounds like your grandmother has been "had".
I figured she got screwed...but I was under the assumption that an impellar or something could have broke locking up the supercharger and causing the belt to break??
I've never heard of that happening, but if she was low on supercharger fluid maybe that could happen. Who knows?
Yeah I have no idea what went wrong...I'm sure she got screwed out of some money though. :mad: Thanks anyway
What he's saying (I think) is that the supercharger seized CAUSING the belt failure. Makes much more sense.

I don't think she was 'screwed'. If the blower was seized, what other alternatives were there than replacing/repairing it?
Originally posted by KrisR
What he's saying (I think) is that the supercharger seized CAUSING the belt failure. Makes much more sense.

I don't think she was 'screwed'. If the blower was seized, what other alternatives were there than replacing/repairing it?

Yep you can translate very well :cool: But I had never heard of a supercharger seizing so I didn't know whether the new supercharger was necessary...but if it did in fact seize...I guess a replacement is about the only option.
If this is a M90 off the 97-2003 L67 motor I will like to buy this busted S/C from you.

Please let me know how much you want for the s/c?

you can e-mail me at

thank you
I've been a member on clubgp for several years, and never heard of a SC seizing up.:confused: Possible I guess, but I'd be skeptical. My friend worked at a Pontiac dealership and they didn't get involved with the sc's at all. If any part went bad on one, they would replace the whole unit.

They would replace the whole unit for a bent pulley.:rolleyes:
They replaced the blower with another used unit...or so they say. So we don't have the old one, sorry.