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Contents Under Pressure
Oct 1, 2002
Well I drove my T to work today and on the way to pick my dad up for lunch I was stopped at a red light.. First car in the fast lane on a 4 lane, a little CRX with a Fart can exhaust pulled up beside me and I did not even give him any mind. The light turns green for us to move and he revs the little thing to about 18000 rpms and come soff the clutch. At first I just looked at him like what the hell are you doing? then I relaized he must have saw my personalized tag that reads UDLOSE on it. I roll the throttle on as it has the nice 235 firestones on it and then matted it about 10' out. I went by that little farting car like he was stopped and both of my back tires was like it was on fire.. Smoke everywhere. I can still see the little guys head turn as my car went by him a little sideways smoking the back tires..

These kids now a days are to easy...LOL
lol i would pay to see the look on his face. i like that. good job lol
haha, good one. i can't seem to get any of the ricers to bite at the t-type. i guess they think it's just another junky 80s midsize that's not worth cutting loose the asian thunder on. :D :D :D
Well I drove my T to work today and on the way to pick my dad up for lunch I was stopped at a red light.. First car in the fast lane on a 4 lane, a little CRX with a Fart can exhaust pulled up beside me and I did not even give him any mind. The light turns green for us to move and he revs the little thing to about 18000 rpms and come soff the clutch. At first I just looked at him like what the hell are you doing? then I relaized he must have saw my personalized tag that reads UDLOSE on it. I roll the throttle on as it has the nice 235 firestones on it and then matted it about 10' out. I went by that little farting car like he was stopped and both of my back tires was like it was on fire.. Smoke everywhere. I can still see the little guys head turn as my car went by him a little sideways smoking the back tires..

These kids now a days are to easy...LOL

sounds like that convertor is doing its job..

sounds like that convertor is doing its job..

Well the stock convertor is stil lin the car, I am putting the good one from you in on Friday... It is real laggy now with a stock convertor and the 63:1 turbo but that is about to change.:biggrin: