TA NAT's for 2004


New Member
May 25, 2001
I have asked if anyone is going for the past couple of years. I never got much of a response, if any. Guess I will go on and ask this year. I plan on being there if anyone cares to meet up and say hi.

I'll be there just like I am every year. However this will be my first year with the TTA normally we just take my brothers 98 Trans Am but this year we'll have both. Whenever it gets a little closer we should all share cell phone numbers and such to meet up and maybe go eat dinner Fri night or something together.
As for where and when: Dayton Oh the third week of August.


Dinner on Friday sounds like a good idea. I will be comming in Friday mid day. I was running a little late last year and ended up doing tech Saturday morning. This year I would have wanted to get it out of the way early (as was last year's plan) however I won my class so I am a no-compete. I do get the winners circle however.

I will be there with the lady.

Plan on heading in on Fri afternoon(like 1-2pm)

However may or may not have TTA, awainting engine and then tuning(pray for me). But will roll in my 91 Formula or my 91 GTA, so either way Im covered lol