TA Perf New stock replacement headers

Have they changed the design on the driver side.

I tried to put a set of these on my car and the driver side wouldn't fit due to the rear tube hitting the steering shaft.
I have a set of these headers.

I got them around June-July of 2012 and installed them WITH NO PROBLEMS!!!!

I did it all in my garage, no lift. I reused the factory bolts by Nick's suggestion and I've had no problem.

I also have the RJC DP which fitted perfect with these headers.

I have about 1,500-2,000 miles on them so far. I drove the car to BG this year, raced and drove back without any problems at all. These headers are AWESOME!!
Have they changed the design on the driver side.

I tried to put a set of these on my car and the driver side wouldn't fit due to the rear tube hitting the steering shaft.

My understanding is that has been corrected.