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Tablet question.


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Got the W3-810 tablet hooked up and running the PL software. After the little dance you need to do to install the drivers (disable driver signing in windows 8) it works perfectly.

There is only one problem. The UI is too small! I know the PL software was designed around a laptop so I don't expect a touch friendly experience. The resolution on this tablet is 1280x800. I am not sure what language PL was written in but maybe we can find a way to make a touch/tablet friendly interface? I am a .NET/C# programmer, but I don't do too much in the win32 app arena myself but I would not mind helping making this happen :)

An Atom based windows 8 tablet has plenty of power to run the PL software and there should be more 8" ones coming out soon. I can't recommend the one I have because the screen is not great. These tablets are not cheaper than a cheap-o laptop you could use with PL, but the small form factor would make it easier to mount. This tablet you can get for $299 for the 32GB version or $349 for the 64GB right now through office depot. You also need a Micro USB male to USB female adapter (commonly called OTG adapter)


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its written in C++ Builder 5 (fairly old stuff), the UI is set up at design time, so its a pain to change it programatically.

if there is enough of a need, I can spin off a side version and make the controls a bit bigger. is it mainly the buttons that are the issue?

its written in C++ Builder 5 (fairly old stuff), the UI is set up at design time, so its a pain to change it programatically.

if there is enough of a need, I can spin off a side version and make the controls a bit bigger. is it mainly the buttons that are the issue?


Yeah, the tabs along the side are a bit tough to use (at least on an 8" screen) the other buttons are ok but might be an issue if you have fatter fingers :) The most common resolution for the Atom based windows tablets is 1366x768, this 8" one is 1280x800. The i3/i5 ones (like the Surface Pro) are 1920x1080. I think 1280x800 version with everything just blown up a bit would be great. I don't know if your UI listens to windows font scaling or not but thats a big thing on these tablets with a high resolution on a small screen.
PLC is not set up to use the system font scaling, but the ui is not overly complicated. just changing some things for the tablets is not a huge deal.

once the dust settles a bit with the new speed density system, I'll look at messing with it.

+1 for a tablet based version. my decision to get a new PL only laptop or tablet depends entirely on this thread. thanks for all the input so far guys
if one of you guys were close by, it would make the process easier. otherwise I will have to email the software back and forth.....

+1 for a tablet based version. my decision to get a new PL only laptop or tablet depends entirely on this thread. thanks for all the input so far guys

X2. I been looking at buying a new tablet, but will hold off. I just hate lugging the laptop around. Especially since its a 19" screen.
Just saw this over on LS1Tech. It's for MegaSquirt, but maybe could work with others?

You can get a case for your ipad that has keys on it.

My setup is to run the powerlogger to my dedicated car computer, small passively cooled wireless atom pc about the size of a couple pack of cards stacked on each other.

I then jailbroke my ipad and have it acting as an adhoc network. you then connect your pc to that network and install some kind of remote viewing software on it (ie log me in) and onto your pad.

You then get a touchscreen pad to run anything you need to run on a pc. Its complicated but it works great and allows me to keep my ipad mounted in dash and use it only to tune, play music, navigation, games, movies etc.

If your frugal and do the work yourself you could do it for a couple hundred bucks, or if your really a nerd get a raspberry pi and do it for 30-40 bucks

The Powerlogger won't work with Debian though will it...?
no, the PLC software won't run on linux.

but there are USB drivers that could be made to work on linux. If someone wanted to write the application I can provide the communications protocols....

no, the PLC software won't run on linux.

but there are USB drivers that could be made to work on linux. If someone wanted to write the application I can provide the communications protocols....


Someone smarter than me please do this!!
Just picked up a new Dell Venue 8 Pro, should work nice with the pl software. Microcenter is selling the 32gb version for $259 (regularly 299)

My other tablet got "appropriated" by my wife.

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