I was looking at the TCC Unlock during shift code, and found something odd. I'll ask my question, then explain. The question is directed to those who understand the transmission and torque converter. I sure don't.
Question: Should the TCC be unlocked whenever the tranny is shifting?
Expalnation: The factory code has provision to detect shifts and unlock the TCC for a brief time. The code I'm referring to starts at $3885 and uses a table ($33DF) for the unlock time based on which shift just occured.
Assumptions: The transmission has 2 (normally closed) switches, one for third gear and one for fourth. The third gear switch opens in third and stays open in fourth gear. The fourth gear switch is only open in fourth. This produces these bit combos:
00 = 4th gear
01 = can't happen
10 = 3rd gear
11 = 1st or 2nd gear
These two switches control two bits in register $03 (b5 & b6). These bits are shifted left to represent the previous gear. The $33DF table has an unlock time for 3 of the 4 possible shifts. There is a 4th entry in the table but I don't believe its used. The 4 possible shifts (that the ecm can detect) are: 2-3, 3-4, 4-3, 3-2. The table addresses 4-3 (0010), 3-2 (1011), and 2-3 (1110). There is no unlock time in the table for 3-4 (1000), but there is an entry for (0110).
Is this another "anomaly" with the factory code? Can a torque converter expert please jump in here. Thanks.
Question: Should the TCC be unlocked whenever the tranny is shifting?
Expalnation: The factory code has provision to detect shifts and unlock the TCC for a brief time. The code I'm referring to starts at $3885 and uses a table ($33DF) for the unlock time based on which shift just occured.
Assumptions: The transmission has 2 (normally closed) switches, one for third gear and one for fourth. The third gear switch opens in third and stays open in fourth gear. The fourth gear switch is only open in fourth. This produces these bit combos:
00 = 4th gear
01 = can't happen
10 = 3rd gear
11 = 1st or 2nd gear
These two switches control two bits in register $03 (b5 & b6). These bits are shifted left to represent the previous gear. The $33DF table has an unlock time for 3 of the 4 possible shifts. There is a 4th entry in the table but I don't believe its used. The 4 possible shifts (that the ecm can detect) are: 2-3, 3-4, 4-3, 3-2. The table addresses 4-3 (0010), 3-2 (1011), and 2-3 (1110). There is no unlock time in the table for 3-4 (1000), but there is an entry for (0110).
Is this another "anomaly" with the factory code? Can a torque converter expert please jump in here. Thanks.