Thank you from Lghtemup


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2002
It is with a heavy heart and tearfilled eyes I write this out. As some of you know I lost my husband (Myclone) at the end of Feb. I came home from work to find the dually had fallen on him .

As some of you are old timers like myself. You watched as we chatted and messaged back inforth on this board me as Lghtemup and him as Myclone. Some of you met David in person as I brought him with me to the Nats one year.

I felt that I owed Turbo Buick a thank you for had it not been for you, I may have never had met this wonderful man.

I post the information on because David has a Syclone and spent alot of time posting over there.

Thanks for the calls and support during this time.

MsMcylone aka Lghtemup

Oh Lisa, I had no idea. That is horrible. Dave was a nice fellow and I know you were both happy. I am so sorry to hear of this. Let me know if there is anything I can or could do.
My thoughts are with you.

no words can express my feelings for your loss.

I read about your tragedy on SyTy, and offer my sympathy on your loss. While I feel powerless to take the pain away, please let me know if there's anything I can assist you with- and I'm sure that the rest of the board(s) feel the same.


This is Warren from the old chat room days. Haven't been on here or in the buick scene much lately but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am to hear this. You and I chatted alot when you guys were just starting out and even about your "leap of faith" moving to NC. I knew you had found love and we were all extremely happy for you.

None of us can explain the why's of this world, just know we are thinking about you and praying for you.

God Bless and drop me a line if you ever want to "chat"...

I'm still in Bama and hope we'll cross paths again one day.
Thanks guys,

The why I scream that out every night. I don't understand. And I can't get that picture of him under the truck out of my mind.

I feel like someone has ripped open my chest and just keeps pulling at it.

I wake up most days...mad that I even woke up. I kissed him good-bye that morning we laughed and joked. I laid out chicken to cook for dinner. I went to work. Tried calling the house and his cell the whole why answer. I knew when I found him he was already gone. My neighbors heard me screaming and came to try to help. I tried lifting the truck off him , even pulling him out. I just managed to hurt myself . I made them let me lay down in the floor with him before they took him. I just wanted to hold him. I still just wanna hold him.

Lisa (Lghtemup)