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THANKS Jack for the Cottons winter party


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Thanks again also Jack.

Great food today including an array of desserts too. :)

Hey Russ where were you?

I was parked right outside the garage door, didn't see ya.?

Even had my name tag on. :p
Great time! Now all we need is to a quick end to winter...
Originally posted by salvageV6
Thanks again also Jack.

Great food today including an array of desserts too. :)

Hey Russ where were you?

I was parked right outside the garage door, didn't see ya.?

Even had my name tag on. :p

That bucket of a$$ was yours? :eek: Oh my god, I see why you drive it in the winter......................

I was hangin with Otto, Joe D, Bruce and Tony G most of the time. Had a black hooded sweat shirt with my name tag on.........

We were talkin bout how lame alky kits are and how bigger combo's woop ass over alky anyday! :rolleyes:

Oh boy, here comes the alky army.....................I can hear em now.........................................................just catchin up.

Just playin ;)
Thank you guys for coming, we had a pretty big crowd there, the food these guys brought was awsome. I don't want to turn this into a cooking contest, don't want to pic out any one dish or dessert, But I have to say Otto's baKING ABILITY was second to none. The cake is sitting on my kitchen table with a fork next to the box. My girlfriend and I are fighting over who gets to eat it. I really had a good time, I hope everyone else did. I'm sorry I didn't get much opportunity to stop and talk with everyone that came but I did notice the LI crew that traveled a long way, sorry I didn't have a chance to talk much with ya's. I appreciate these gatherings just to see all the guys getting together and talking Buicks. It's a nice break in the middle of winter, I had a blast!!!
As always a Blast Jack
I think you should eat the cake, then Itll only be a couple of seconds I need to catch ya .. yeah thats it Lori let em eat the cake !!
Thanks again .......
Yes. Good times. Thanks to Jack and all who brought and cooked the awsome food.