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THDP, wheel opening moldings, FMICs, stock heads and intake


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Hangin' and Bangin'
May 27, 2001
3" stainless THDP with test pipe...real deal..SOLD

Set of blackout wheel opening moldings in good shape....$250 OBO plus the above.SOLD

K-B Big Boy FMIC for a TTA, comes with pipes and an old HKS BOV.... when I bought this for my TTA, supposedly there were only like 5 or 6 of these produced (probably because of the cost). To avoid haggling, the piece is worth $400 no that's the bottom dollar on it plus shipping and fees. SOLD

Eastern FMIC for a Buick with mounting hardware and no plumbing....$200 plus shipping.

Stock set of heads and a complete intake with doghouse and TB, no electronics or harnesses and no injectors.....$200 plus shipping and fees for all of it. SOLD

Pics of the heads/intake and moldings forthcoming.



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Would buy just the test pipe if you split up.
What exhaust system did you have on the car with that DP? I have a Hooker Cat Back. Just worried if I would have any fitment issues.
Shouldn't have any, it is set up to mate with the oval flange from any factory style cat to exhaust connection.
I will take the downpipe, please PM me your paypal address and price shipped to 39350


Bump and price drops...see original post. Pics available of the moldings and intake combo.
Allright, Allright, Allright......time to drag up some action on the intercoolers again as I am cleaning out the storage unit! Reference the first post for pics and description. Mouldings, heads/intake and THDP are gone like the wind.

Both ICs are available and ready to roll.......
KB intercooler looks crazy thick. Any review on fitment? Anymore pics? PM price to 30189. Thanks.

Fits like a champ on a 3rd Gen F-bod....I can get some other pics, what specifically do you need to see? Will check shipping to your spot in the AM.
