The 10th Buick Video is done... Check it out!

Nelson, number 10 is just fantastic. You do such good work. I really hate to hear that you won't be on this site. I will really miss you and your work. I sincerely appreciate all that you have done.
Chris McDade said:
Nice job.

The maroon t-type is was mine. I sold it to Dave in FL. It's good to see it again.


I heard you sold it and when i watched the video with a buddy of mine, we both said, "Hey thats Chris Mcdades car" since it had the texas plates on it still.. I think...

Why did you sell it?


Nelson, Just got thru Downloading and watching video 10 (for about the 3rd time I might add):biggrin: Would have checked it out sooner, but I was away from my computer this weekend (just got back) and the nearest PC had a very slow Dial-up connection.... Anyways, as usual you have done it again with an awesome video and this one is definitely a personal favorite with all of the great drag racing clips you included! Great job!!!! :cool:

I'm very sorry to hear this will be the last Buick video you put together, but I can understand where you're coming from.. FWIW, I genuinely appreciate the time, effort, and obvious enthusiasm you put into making them! :)

... And if you change your mind you know where your fans will be! :wink:
Chris McDade said:
Nice job.

The maroon t-type is was mine. I sold it to Dave in FL. It's good to see it again.


Chris, VERY nice car! :cool: I had heard Dave bought your old car and I'm glad it went to a guy like Dave that knows and loves these cars as much as he does! :)
Oh BTW, Nelson let me know when/if you would like me to add this video to your thread at the top!
86brick said:
Oh BTW, Nelson let me know when/if you would like me to add this video to your thread at the top!

Anytime you like buddy, and thank you so much for your kind words and valued support, Nelson. :)
Thanks for making another great video. It's sad to know they are coming to an end. I appreciate your time and effort. I understand where you are coming from.

I also appreciate you making me the opening act. That was pretty cool.
Nice jobb Nelson :biggrin:
I saw mine... :D

Another crazy swede.... ;) his car is in the middle of the movie doing a smokey show with snow around him.