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The Biggest Giveaway Ever- Christmas 07 Mega Charity Drive! ToyForTots!


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Count me in,

This was a great Idea! Since I'm late getting here, I'll donate $20.00. snail mail. Thanks to all you who donated to this BIG IDEA. And a
Donation sent! Count me in!


Donation sent! Count me in as well! My hat is off to all you guys for coordinating this drive for a very good cause! Its you guys who keep the turbo buick community live and well! Keep up the outstanding work!

I'm in...

I haven't visited in a while, since I sold my Buick...this is a great cause and a good way to get me back into the Buick community. Money sent through Paypal.
I really appreciated the heads-up e-mail, or I would have missed this. Great idea, and I'm glad to see it's being accepted as well as it is by the group.

I'm in, that would be an awesome prize to win! :eek:
This is what makes the Turbo Buick community so great! ! Paypal sent. Happy Holidays everyone! !
What a great idea! Other car forums should take note and follow Turbo Buicks lead. Donation sent.
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