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The heat is on!


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Staff member
Feb 18, 2006
Holy smokes, it's hot! This humidity just beats you down. Tropical paradise. :rolleyes: The mosquitoes are brutal too. With all the rain, those little pricks are thriving.

Thank God for air conditioning! :biggrin:
at least you have the lake to cool you down..... St. Louis is f'n crazy...... you walk outside and you think someone is trying to smother you... the air is thick... at 5 in the morning its already in the high 80s... at 9-10pm its still in the 90s.... my electric bill skyrocketed this summer....
If your lights flickered alot this summer,don't worry,it was just my airconditioner starting up. This bad boy trys to suck the power line empty.

I live in Lake county (Northern IL) and even the frickin lake water is hot.
See you guys soon at the Midwest meet in Chicago Ridge.
I get my car from the body shop tomorrow. It will be lookin good. Can't wait to roll in.
Tomorrow and Friday are supposed to be lower 90s and a heat index of 100+. Its been disgusting. I go outside and I instantly sweat. Anything I touch has an icky wet dampness to it because the dew point is so high. NOT turbo friendly weather!

Oh and F mosquitoes!!! I was just outside for like 5 minutes and got bit like 10 times. Blood sucking little vampire sh!ts:mad:
I'm pretty sure this years mosquitos were medically enhanced with DNA from paranahs. Every time I go outside, I'll be fine for about 5 minutes, and then get attacked by 20+ mosquitos that sworm in formation kamakazee style. Condsidering investing in a "mosquito deleto".

holy ****e!! these are worse than piranhas! I had the garage closed all day, then had to open it up to work on my dually and it was like out of a horror film. These things hunt in packs! I think if enough hit you they could take you down!!
I had a citronella candle and a tiki torch going and it did not phase them at all. its like this is some super mosquito. I look like I have chicken pox or some ****.
Last few nights I go skeeter hunting before bed. Last night I killed 12 of them in the house and I still woke up with a fresh bump on my shoulder.

Another day of heat and humidity. I can't stand this crap.
Last few nights I go skeeter hunting before bed. Last night I killed 12 of them in the house and I still woke up with a fresh bump on my shoulder.

Another day of heat and humidity. I can't stand this crap.

Got 4 of them in my house last night plus 1 that I'm not positive was a skeeter... it looked exactly like a skeeter, but 5 times its normal size. This thing was rediculous! I picked it up in a napkin after swatting it out of the air and was looking at it only a few inches from my face for about a minute trying to identify what it was and the little F@#CKER came back to life and flew right at me! When I killed it the second time its remains we unidentifiable. But seriously Im pretty sure it was a skeeter that could have removed aoubt 30% of my blood in one shot during the night. Crazy..
Got two friends that want to go to Byron this weekend. It's gong to suck being around all that grass. It was bad enough working on the Buick and the MCSS in the garage with all the windows and doors closed to keep them out.
It's wonderful down here in FL.:rolleyes: Wake up sweating, go to bed sweating:mad: The water temp in my pool is 90:mad: Gulf Temp is 90:mad: Only thing you can do is sit in the a/c and drink beer:D