this dont look good at all (hurricane)

We're worried up here in CT, too. The media is all over this so the public is already in panic mode. Hopefully it will go out to sea if we are lucky.
Good Luck to you all on the east coast. I have stayed through a class 3 storm (won't do it again) so I can only guess what a class 5 is like. It will be nice when the weather service can give a better forcast sooner. The problem I see is if you wait until the last min. either the traffic don't let you move or the water gets so high you can't leave.

Good Luck and take care.
it is said that this hurricane is one of the top 5 strongest of all was up to 160 mph...if it makes landfall it's gonna be disasterous!:eek:
Red you in Newport News or Gloucester?

I'd head inland, Richmond is nice this time of year. :)
Originally posted by salvageV6
Red you in Newport News or Gloucester?

I'd head inland, Richmond is nice this time of year. :)

still in Newport News

I'm not going anywhere

the wife works at the hospital and if it comes this way she will be stuck there till things calm down

they have to stay up to 24 hrs in emergency situations

theres a high pressure system off to the northeast from here which they say is whats going to push it inland

any volunteers to come out and help hold my house down ??

the military are meeting to day to discuss sending all the ships in the area out to seea to wait out the storm

when the ships get sent out we know were in trouble

I'm sure by wednesday night I'll here all the fighter jets flying out of nasa langley headed somewhere out the way of this monster of a spinning cloud

this thing is 400 miles wide so It dont have to be a direct hit to totally make waste of stuff
Originally posted by REDS HOT AIR
still in Newport News

I'm not going anywhere

the wife works at the hospital and if it comes this way she will be stuck there till things calm down

they have to stay up to 24 hrs in emergency situations

theres a high pressure system off to the northeast from here which they say is whats going to push it inland

any volunteers to come out and help hold my house down ??

the military are meeting to day to discuss sending all the ships in the area out to seea to wait out the storm

when the ships get sent out we know were in trouble

I'm sure by wednesday night I'll here all the fighter jets flying out of nasa langley headed somewhere out the way of this monster of a spinning cloud

this thing is 400 miles wide so It dont have to be a direct hit to totally make waste of stuff

lol, i guess they learned from Andrew, when they lost Homestead Air Force Base...
Welp, I guess since you said you were gonna ride it out an offer of heading inland a few hrs to ride the storm out at my place isnt really gonna help. If ya change your mind gimme a holler.

I cant say if my house will survive any high winds but if the water gets up enough to flood me out ya better build an ark :D .
That is crazy..... The eye barely hit’s our cost and cover 90% of the state..... VA is going to get nailed....... I would offer someone a place to stay but I am going to have to fight this thing to..... NC National Guard is already put on alert...... SUCKES to be me.....
Red is there anyway you can get your family out there and head west into a motel or something. Trust me you do not want to ride that thing out if you can avoid it get you and your family out of that thing path. Trust me we went through andrews head on nearly lost our lives.:(
The projected strike area has move north a little as of 2PM. Looks like NYC and Long Island is now in it's northern edge. This don't look too good :eek:
I would... leaving if that thing was coming at us, down here in Florida. There is a lot of possible scenerio's on what this storm may do as far as intensity, so it could weaken down to a cat 2 possibly, or remain a cat 4, which is InSaNe. :eek: I think, I would start making preparations now for the worst, and possibly reconsider leaving Red. IF you are in an mandatory evacuation area, and do not leave, you could be putting yourself in a real bad situation. The storm surge with this storm is predicted to be in the 25-40 FT range, which will pretty much destroy the beach and anything close to it.:eek: :(
Heard on the news today that they measured gusts of 230 mph in that storm,using sensors. The highest ever recorded! Hopefully it will weaken before it reaches the coast.
big wind a blowin

Hey Red's
I still have a home in Winston Salem ,NC, (about a 100mi inland)
much chance of it going inland that far?
I just checked the insurance, fat chance it'll do any good!
thats why I now live in AZ,
good luck to all! sure hope we hear from all of you, and that everythings OK!
good luck