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this dont look good at all (hurricane)


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I precisely 4pm tomorrow, everyone on the east coast hast to fart. That kinda pressuire is sure to blow it off track... so..

i know its gonna be hairy in virginia. my brother got a trailer down there for weekends and man, he swares it aint gonna be there next time he goes down there. its right on the bay. god bless you guys down there and be safe.:eek:
Dam i wish it would come to my house & UPROOT my 2 Crabapple trees that I can't stand because they are MESSY & UGLY.
its times like these that im glad that im nessled inside a valley, what sucks is i might be in richmond for a compition when it hits!!!

although, on the other hand, i think it would be cool just for once to stand out in 150 mph winds tied to a phone pole or somethen.
Talk about the definition of bad timing: My best friend just bought a nearly half-million dollar house near the Va Beach area, and is moving his family there from San Francisco in 2 weeks.....Hmmm, not good!
well once again they have moved the line alil bit

looking alil better for me but this line is headed up between richmond and Roanoke

I guess all the people out here that have resevations up toward richmond will be rethinking it.

starting to evacuate the outter banks of n.c now and one of buddys in the military said they're moving the troops out possibly today

on a brighter note it has slowed down some so hopefully it wont regain no strenth before it gets here

I need to find out how high the water is suppose to get now.. they were saying 18-20 ft above sea level but I hope thats a lil lower now since my neiborhood is only 11ft above sea level :confused:
Re: big wind a blowin

Originally posted by cruzn57
Hey Red's
I still have a home in Winston Salem ,NC, (about a 100mi inland)
much chance of it going inland that far?

Depending on the track the storm takes it could well be nasty here in the Winston-Salem / Greensboro area. If it hits closer to the SC coast(looks less likely now), we'll get more wind damage. We'll still be vulnerable to spawned tornadoes as it is, as well as a big rain event. Doesn't look like this is going to be another Hugo now, the storm has considerably weakened. Northern NC coast / Virginia may take a worse hit than us. We've had sooo much rain this year though that trees coming down is a big concern.
big wind a blowin

Thanks NC Typhoon
I was there for Hugo, we lost about 20 trees then, just lost about 10 more earlier this year to an Ice storm, I just can't wait to see whats next,! this is gettin into my buick money!!
good luck,
again thanks
From someone who's been through several big storms...

Good luck to all of you in the path and DO NOT take this lightly. We've been through many hurricanes and tropical storms and I speak from personal experience.

All of these storms were direct hits to my area:

Camille in '69 (Category 5), Frederick in '79, Elena in '84, and most recently Georges in '98 (HUGE tidal surge with that one, our refinery was under 4 - 6' of water and down for 3 months.)

Be careful, stay alert, stay informed, follow directions of the professionals, don't be a "cowboy" and try to "ride it out".

Remember, John Wayne was an actor.
…just wandering through here (somebody on my EECTuner list had a link to this site) and had to post. I can’t believe how many of you guys are from the southeast. Imagine, I’ve been living in the Buick capitol of the world all my life and never noticed.

Reds Hot Air I stole your Southern Pride emoticon… I have to put it on my website.

anyway, I’ll let you guys know if I find any Buicks blown up on my lawn in SC Thursday.

I keep clicking on those weather track links and Isabel keeps getting closer and closer. Kinda reminds me of that 1st gen star trek episode that had that doomsday device that looked like a giant hollow log?

All I need is that sound track...:eek:
Originally posted by bcrim
…Reds Hot Air I stole your Southern Pride emoticon… I have to put it on my website.

anyway, I’ll let you guys know if I find any Buicks blown up on my lawn in SC Thursday.


no prob on the avartar

welcome aboard our buick board

and let me know first if any buicks land in your yard :D
Originally posted by ncgreg231
I keep clicking on those weather track links and Isabel keeps getting closer and closer. Kinda reminds me of that 1st gen star trek episode that had that doomsday device that looked like a giant hollow log?

All I need is that sound track...:eek:

:D yeah its gonna land somewhere between me and you..

we should be able to get better updates before long since there is a front off of florida coast that is whats steering it northward right now ... how far it turns it will make the difference on where it lands

even if it comes in down your way we will get it pretty good too since the northeast side of the storm is the strongest area

Its gotten down to 105 mph which we can handle around here ...I was sweatin when they were in the 150 range but not too worried about it now

if it comes in and goes around my area off to the west of me they say we have alot more chance of getting alot of toronados from it :(
I justheard this morning that it has been downgraded to a level 2, but then, I wouldn't rush that plywood back to Home Depot just yet. This storm has already come back alive once. Good luck guys, and move your cars more inland. Mark:D
right now its 1 mph below cat 3

looks definate that northeast north carolina will get the worse and head strait up just to the west of my area which puts us on the stronger side of the eye

its not going to half as bad as it was looking but its no lil storm it is a monster storm more in pure size than just strenth

if it lands a lil more north than projected it will send alot more water in on us but at were it is predicted to come on shore my house should stay above water but alot of the city will still be under water

the ocean front is already getting hammered

just imagine living by the water and the level rise up to 20 ft above normal then put 15-20 ft waves on top of it

thats high enough to completly go over houses by the ocean front
Good luck tomarrow Red, I'll be riding out the storm on the south side. I keep wondering if the track is gonna shift west too, which would be good news for you- and a repeat of Fran for me.

Nothing left to do but pop a cold one and watch the wind come in.


It looks like I left Maryland and headed back to Germany at the right time. :) I just got back to my computer and turned on the local music station for Washington DC that I have livestream. Just an hour or so ago, they announced the school system for three counties (including the one I used to teach in) closed tomorrow. Wow. Nasty thing a comin'. My folks, family and friends of course still live in that area so I'm keeping close worried tabs on this. As for all you TR people in that region, battin' down the hatches, play it safe and best of luck.

BTW, we don't get hurricanes here in Germany.

Good luck all.
that thing is still aways out there and its gettin pretty windy here already

they are calling for water levels high enough to flood my neiborhood and half my neibor hood is under mandatory evacution and the other half is under voluntary evac.

I'm on the street that it changes from mandatory to voluntary

I was just out riding around and it looks like a ghost town since so many people have left and all the stores and stuff with their windows boarded up.

I think I'll be ok here even tho the water may get high enough to get in my garage but I should be able to get everything high enough up to save things if it looks like it will get that high

My ttype is in my grandmas garage and I have a feeling it may get flooded :(

I may go over there and pull it up on my trailer to get it higher up but I'm trying to leave the trailer open incase I need it for something around here like a tree down or something I cvan use the whinch on the trailer to move stuff

I'll check in from time to time and see if any others report in on their conditions