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this dont look good at all (hurricane)


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Red, if you are a home owner and think your preminums are high now---bend over, they are already calculating how much the insurance company are going to lose. Allstate seems to be the biggest one in that area.
My nephew has a small house on the Outer Banks ( Kitty Hawk ) that he rents. I/m sure he is bitting nails. Best of luck
yeah exactly ...
I have allstate on the house

so far were not even half as strong as the winds are suppose to get here and trees are taking out power lines :(

as you can tell I still have power here but probly not for too much longer

we are now under toronado watch...hopefully I wont see one of them cause they will do much more damadge than this huricane will

The biggest threat I have here is flooding
the sea level is targeted to reack the level I'm at and suppose to get like 10" of rainfall today

If you dont know how big this thing is look at this shot and how many states its covering and its not on land yet

more later if power stays on
Well, I hadn't heard anything yet from people so I wanted to know who's OK. I just got word from my folks in Maryland. They sent some pictures back around their house. Said that small branches were actually staked into the ground and several trees were down damaging cars.

Unfortunately, my GN was out in this, but came through OK. Got a pic of that too... it's all green from the leaves. The only power failure they said was for three minutes last night and didn't affect anything.

Best wishes and luck.
I been off here for 2 weeks an nobody missed me ...LOL

I went 8 days without power here

no car damage but my house got some but not bad consitering most of them out this way have trees thru their roofs ... so I came out pretty good

once I get the new roof, gutters and siding repair I'll be back to normal

anyone ever been a week with no power where the whole city has no power? not like you can run to the store and get anything , no gas no cold drinks no anything and on top of that no freezers so everyone lost all their food

and to top that off we still had running water but it got contaminated so it wont drinkable :rolleyes:
Glad to hear you're OK dude. That sucks about the power. One time we went 1 or 2 days without power in the area. I didn't lose power, but lots of others did. It was weird, me and my buddy went to the gas station at work to grab a coke for breakfast, and they were open, but no power. Everything was hot, no cash register, nothin'. the little town we were in was totally without power. We went to go to lunch, and everything was closed. It was like a ghost town. I can't imagine 8 days! Hope you have a gas water heater. Cold showers suck! Is the ins. co taking care of your house?
Hey RED good to see your back and all is ok at least as ok as it can be after a cat 3 hurricane just blew through. :cool:
I actually miss the weather back east. I went through hurricane Camille, Frederick, and Alania (sp). At least you know in advance they're coming. Over here, while rare, you never know when an earthquake will hit.
Isabel wiped me out. The home and a 84 T-Type. About the only thing that's usable now is the rear spoiler and hood. If the sunvisors were pointing down they would've gotten wet! That car had almost every available option....eletronic touch climate, twilight sen, digital dash........ It was wrecked but was still drivable for short distances.

T-Type water height
That's a damn shame. I hope everything is getting straightened out. At least with your home, insurance and stuff. Sorry to see what happened to your car. I'm assuming the motor and everything was completely waterlogged.

Originally posted by Turbo1dr
Isabel wiped me out. The home and a 84 T-Type. About the only thing that's usable now is the rear spoiler and hood. If the sunvisors were pointing down they would've gotten wet! That car had almost every available option....eletronic touch climate, twilight sen, digital dash........ It was wrecked but was still drivable for short distances.

T-Type water height

Man!:( Please tell us you had insurance on all of it!:eek:

What about the Malibu?
