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Time To Remember Again Why We're At War


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when u watch it, look for the picture of the fireman pointing at the camera man while a
group of guys carries out the FDNY Chaplain Mychael Judge.
the guy on the extreme right in the photo wearing a jacket that says
OEM is my cousin Kevin. he was one of many family members and friends that were involved in 9/11.
I am so tired of the people bashing Bush for going to war. If Clinton had done this in the early 90's we wouldn't have gone thru 9/11 in the first place. I hope when we are done with Iraq we move on to the next country that is openly against us and supports terrorism. All the family members of the people who died as a result of terrorism deserve some payback on these people, IMO anyway.
These foolish people who are against the war think that if we leave those people alone, they'll leave us alone. How pathetic and stupid. These fools already wrote off the 3000 lives lost at the WTC. How dishonorable is that? The Osamas and Sadaams are religious fanatics and are only happy when they kill us. There is no negotiations with mass murderers. Do we need to lose thousands more in terrorist attacks while we try to appease them?

While heartbreaking that we are losing our brave soldiers, they would be the last ones to cut and run. They deserve our utmost support. These fanatics killed 300 Marines 20 years ago. We did nothing. It would have just continued. We are doing the only thing we can. This war WILL be won.
Brings it back loud and clear! Thanks for the refresher.

I'm glad President Bush never forgets!

To those in the general public who love to criticise the President's policies or actions, I say you have no buisiness doing so until you've walked in his shoes. Until then, you're nothing but an arm chair quarterback.

And if you are basing your opinions on what the media shows or tells you just remember what the media runs off of - money. They'll ALWAYS have time to cover things THEY think will sell print or air time. Anything else they'll fit in IF they have time or space. Do you think you are getting the whole picture? You are informed of what someone else thinks you want to hear. Think about it. What's the first thing that comes to mind about post war Iraq? The continued death of our soldiers? Yeah, me too. Why isn't it the things that help Iraqis start a new life of freedom? It doesn't sell as well as American deaths so they'll get to that if they have time or space. Try to get all the information you can when forming an opinion and always remember you may not have all the information you need. Let's be smart Americans.
Ditto's to everything said above, and I thank God that we have a president of George Bush's character to stay the course in spite of the continued mis-guided pressures from the radical left and the whimpering press to walk away. This would be as crazy as turning our backs on the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Freedom is not a by product of peace, it is the result of being vigilant and ready to fight to defend it. These brave people involved in the 9/11 attacks, and those fighting for our continued protection and freedom deserve our full appreciation on every day. God bless all those involved, and God bless America.

Sorry to disagree guys , but there was not one Iraqi national onboard those planes and they were not a threat, was a he ruthless dictator and am I glad he is out of power? Yes, but if he had WMD, they are still out there because we don't have them, we don't have Saddam and by going to war with a country that was not a root cause of the terrorism is creating more terrorist by the day. What about Saudi arabia, almost all the terrorist were Saudi Nationals but we are not planning on going in there. N.korea is a huge threat not only as a nation but selling their technologies to terrorist as well. There are a lot of Big root terrorist countries that need to be taken care of but won't be. With out doing so we will never rid ourselves of terrorism. The vid does give a chill and reopens all the emotions that I had that day, Bush made the right move going into Afganistan but Iraq was a separate issue in my book.
Well, there's also the fact that he flagrently violated all the UN sanctions imposed on him after losing the first gulf war. He seemed to have forgotten who lost and needed to be delt with for that reason as well as others. Also, why play games with the weapons inspectors if you have absolutley nothing to hide as he claimed? Saddam was a loose cannon and it's much better to deal with him now than after another catastrophy like 9/11. Imagine how everyone would be throwing a fit about how all the signs were there before the catastrophy but the President didn't do anything about it. It's called homeland security.
Myself I will never forget,I also say never again and support Mr. Bush to deal with those that have or could in the future plan and carry out a new 9/11.
I know :(.........Sadaam and Osama and all the rest of those terrorist ragheads over there that want to f--- with us.......they're not all cut out of the same cloth. :rolleyes: They never had a conversation. You can separate them if you want to but we'll just take them on one at a time, or all at once. I got a feeling that they'll just slide back into their holes, especially if the aid and comfort stops coming from over here.
Originally posted by JDSfastGN
Sorry to disagree guys , but there was not one Iraqi national onboard those planes and they were not a threat, was a he ruthless dictator and am I glad he is out of power? Yes, but if he had WMD, they are still out there because we don't have them, we don't have Saddam and by going to war with a country that was not a root cause of the terrorism
N.korea is a huge threat not only as a nation but selling their technologies to terrorist as well. There are a lot of Big root terrorist countries that need to be taken care of but won't be. With out doing so we will never rid ourselves of terrorism.

I find these two statements at odds. First, all the terrorist on the planes were trained in and funded by Iraq. That is documented. Iraq is a know terrorist state and have been so identified by the US, England, Germany, and France. The UN had even sanctionded them for their terroist activities. You are completely right that Saudi has unofficially aided in all this, and they will eventually be dealt with. As Bush said, any nation that aids or harbors terrorist will have to deal with us. Iraq is the most pressing of problems right now, so we are dealing with it and as anyone that has been there will tell you the insurgents are from all over the muslim world, not many are from Iraq. That is set as ground zero, and we are dealing with that first. North Korea will more than likely be the third or forth target in line. Right now our eyes are trained on Iran because that is where so many of the activities that took place in Iraq was relocated to. Check todays stories about the UN warning of the chemical delivery capability and weapons Iran now has available. Ask the French, German's, and Russians that were moving something from Iraq to Iran just days prior to our bombing of Iraq. The only mistake in Iraq was that we waited so long to do it period. But that is just my humble opinion.

Maybe someone should remind those F'N Brits!! I hope their tourism and money from the US drops off as France's did.
JDSfastGN, I'm curious... Where do you get your info on the apparent innocence of Iraq? I mean, name the news sources you rely on. TIA.
Originally posted by smokin'6
Maybe someone should remind those F'N Brits!! I hope their tourism and money from the US drops off as France's did.

Don't forget, those folks over there are heavily influenced by the European, left wing, press. Most of them are standing with us and losing soldiers in the fight. Most of those protesters are commies and peaceniks. They can't help themselves. They'd want peace even if the terrorists were killing off their own families. :rolleyes: They think appeasing these people will save them from being attacked. That's what they thought in TURKEY. :(
^5's John. Right on the button with that one. They only had 5500 in London protesting. That is nothing. It is interesting to hear the comments the people from outside the city are saying about Bush being there. They are in total support and think Bush is a great man for leading this whole action.

Originally posted by soonergn
it's much better to deal with him now than after another catastrophy like 9/11. Imagine how everyone would be throwing a fit about how all the signs were there before the catastrophy but the President didn't do anything about it. It's called homeland security.

Sooooo True!!!

The maggots have been flappin' about the why it happened based on what we knew, before 9/11, but then bitch that we are doing something based on what we know now!?!? - does that make sense:confused:

Only a fool could believe that Iraq was not going to be a huge problem - we can fight them there or fight them here.

About WMD: Based on the massive secret programs that the Axis had going on during WWII, that we did not know about and could not find until after, I am so sure that Iraq could easily hide WMD in the vast desert - $hit man they just found massive amounts of RPG's hidden just outside the airport - yeah they knew we were coming and they hid weapons.
First off, I didn't need the reminder. I keep it in my living room and see it every day. But, I'll never ignore any image or anything that speaks of that day. It was the harsh truth that day that many fellow Americans died. For their deaths, I will never forget.

Came into this thread late, but I agree with all that was said, except for the one disagreement with Iraq. It's all spin. Every day I watch CNN International and BBC World and they put the SAME spin on it. Telling of the deaths, explosions and failures that are occuring in Iraq. Then I come onto the internet and go to FoxNews Video and watch the news there... what a breath of fresh air. It's all about the spin. I also watch some German news (what I can understand) and it's very much a similar story. Deaths in Iraq... etc, etc.

Two things I would like to share, before this becomes a ramble. I was reading on another board. In the general discussion board, a lady was posting excerpts from her husbands letters coming from Iraq. The husband was a medic from what I could ascertain. He was telling of how a kid hurt really badly by one of these attacks, I believe from these TERRORISTS (sorry, I call a spade, a spade). The child had severe injuries and the father was bringing his child from hospital to hospital with no chance of getting treatment because they were too severe. As I recall of the story, the Italian hospital called the Americans up and explained the situation. WE (Americans) put him and his father on one of our planes, took him to one of our hospital ships and treated the boy. The letter told of how the father embraced and thanked the man writing the letter as he got on the plane. That's on our dime, and our watch. That tells me that someone truly does care about these people and really are making a difference for the better. Did that make CNN?? HELL NO! Sure grabbed my attention though. A grown man cries with his colleagues about this boy. But these peace protesters would rather have Saddam thrashing people around instead. Killing people for not agreeing with him.

Second story, has to do with my English class. A conversation class, where I was talking with students about the age of being an adult and what that entails. One of the tangents was the right to serve. A student (nice student, not trying to bash) says why should we serve?? Now here, it is mandatory for men to serve one year in the service. I told the student (female), OK, maybe you shouldn't have to serve, but what about those who want to serve there country. Again, the student said... "why serve? We're not under threat, WWII ended years ago!! We don't need an army." Naturally, this class is full of Germans. They are good people but still have the European mentallity. My response was, "You are always under threat so long as this terrorism is happening. Besides, 60 years ago, young men served and died so this country would be free and democratic; and it's not Germans that I'm talking about." Talk about a room getting quiet. But nobody could disagree.

I will step off my soap box now and thank everyone who spent the time to read this. I just wanted to shed a light of perspective from the belly of the beast in downtown Europe.
Well Being an FDNY fireman , who was at the trade center many times From 9/11 on until we finished there , seeing first hand the loss there and thats putting it Really mildly(out of respect for those lost there i wouldnt even go into how bad it was in case a family member should see this) , almost a year+ of funerals for our guys and alot more stuff i wont go into . Im all for us going where ever a threat may be and Iraq is a good start on a long ass list of people out there who are out to get us . All the Debate is out the window in my eyes . I just Hope our troops come home safely and those that dont are given there proper respect for making such a HUGE sacrifice to keep us safe here . Unfortunately doing the right thing isnt always , easy , safe or popular .