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Timing proceedure


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May 25, 2001
Someone wanna run me down the proceedure for setting the timing on my '83 T-type's:confused:
I want to make sure I got it right ;)
OK But if I leave something out some one jump in
1. Warm car up
2. Get a GOOD pair of heat res. gloves
3. Locator the 4 wire plug between the carb & Dis and unplug it
4. With car in drive idling at 600rpms or is it 800 set timing
5. shut car off,unplug bat. to clear system
6. plug everything back together (not forget the 4 prung wire, I did this once)

Well maybe you will want to find the wires first & loosen up the Dis
Crap I lost over 200 posts 2...Oh well I still get to keep my house pic :)
Glad I asked, I woulda forgot all about unplugging the battery.
I have a "REGAL" manual around here somewhere:confused:
It must still be in hiding from the move.
Originally posted by Ttype83
Crap I lost over 200 posts 2...Oh well I still get to keep my house pic :)

Me too:mad:
& I was getting there (500):(

Good thing you didn't lose your pick along with the old posts. I wondered if that was gonna happen to anyone.
Glad to see you got your house & getting settled in.
How do ya like GA:confused:
I just found my Regal manual myself, like you it was lost in the move along with other stuff. I just found my password for my web site. I couldn't do any updates, not like I have had time.
I tries to tell the wife that this house needed more work than others, but she liked the yard & the pool/deck. So we have been painting & replacing stuff as we go along. (there goes my new parts)

Ga is great, people are friendly and the weather is awhole lot sunnier than Wa. :cool:
liquid sunshine.

We get alot of sunshine here, it is just in liquid form.:D What made you move to Ga. anyway?
Re: liquid sunshine.

Originally posted by pat83t
We get alot of sunshine here, it is just in liquid form.:D What made you move to Ga. anyway?
LOL......I'm in the military(AirForce) I was stationed there for 7 years. It was time for me to transfer, so instead of letting them find some were it send me(Korea) I picked this place. And after all the cloud cover (filtered sunshine) I wanted a place with unfiltered sunshine & a place to retire.
Unfilitered sunshine

Unfilitered sunshine? Is there such a fabled creature? that would be kinda neat. Filitered is all I am used to. When I wasn't living here I lived in Alberta Canada were we had 10 months of winter 1 month of spring and 1 month of fall. I moved back here for the 1 month of summer (with white clouds) 5 months of fall (gray clouds) 1 month of winter (black clouds) 5 months of spring (see fall) :D
Filtered sunshine? Clouds? what are those? I live in Tucson AZ, could someone explain what clouds are, the sun even shines here when it rains.........................LOL
LOL.....I had a friend try an talk me into transfering to Alaska....I don't think I could have handled 6 months of little to no sun.

1badt: Clounds are very simpler to the smoke that comes out your tailpipe when you blow a HG. Now make it much bigger and put a whole bunch of them in the sky above your head :D
LOL I just thought everyone could benifit from it Adam. I tried to explain it to someone and figured I'd see if my memory was right so I searched for it.
LOL I just thought everyone could benifit from it Adam. I tried to explain it to someone and figured I'd see if my memory was right so I searched for it.

Dang I've been around for a while..and that was after the big crash...hmm also been hiding under a rock lately too. :p
Dang I've been around for a while..and that was after the big crash...hmm also been hiding under a rock lately too. :p

I know what you've been going through Jim but if you have the time we really could use the help on here.:smile: Fred gave up on his car, Tony dissapeared, and Rich is busy as well. I'm not a newby and neither is Aj but seasoned input is always needed.:biggrin: