Top 10 Future "COLLECTOR" cars


Active Member
Apr 1, 2006
Future collector cars | 1 |

You will NOT believe the crap, well most of em anyway, that McKeel Hagerty, president of Hagerty Insurance says will be the most collectable autos of the future. NO Mustangs, NO Challengers, NO Corvettes, 2 American out of 10????? much for Hagerty Insurance for my GN!!!:mad:

Ken B.
Actually it was a poll of what their customers thought would be collectable, not what the company president thought.

Actually it was a poll of what their customers thought would be collectable, not what the company president thought.


Sorry....missed that, BUT he does say " First, and most obvious, is its eye-catching design (TOYOTA). The second is the Toyota brand, which could become as interesting to collectors as it is now to ordinary car buyers.

"There's the notion that they're a winner," Hagerty said.

Hmmmmmm, Guess we know what HE thinks is a great future "collector car"!!!:eek: ????
Its just an opinion so lets give ours...

Post ur list of 10 cars that YOU think will be a collectors item. I can't put any of the new cars on a list because they just dont have that something special about them anymore. Most of the GM cars share the same engines, The Chrysler products: Chargers, Magnums and 300s have become way too common, and the Ford Mustangs are nice but I see to many non GTs running around. I just cant understand why someone would be so cheap and not get the V8 car. I think until a car maker decides to really think out of the box in all areas of the car (engine, interior, and exterior styling) we wont see a truly collectible car. Buick did it, thats why we all own them.
I want to get some of what they've been smokin!!!!!

How far in the "Future" we talking???? I can't imagine that Scion or Chrysler "Thing" lasting much past the warranty... much less to "collector" status.

I can see why the lotus, NSX, and Viper are on there.... they're practilly collectors now.

But the Toyota "UA" (Ugly A$$), I can't remember it's real name... every time I see it, the only thought in my head is how ugly it is.:p

The audi TT?? That's not a bad car now... but hardly deserving of any collector status.

I'm in agreement with Brer... there aren't really ANY "mass production" cars out now that fit the bill.

but who knows for sure... the mass population decides what's "collectible", and with the taste of the youth out there today... maybe that list isn't too far off:frown: :frown:

Hopefully not until after my time on this Earth is done.

Can you imagine the ebay ads 15yrs from now.... 20-Riced out to the max '06 Scion XB's- being listed as a collectors:eek: :eek: Price tags in the Millions (100K's inflation adjusted to our time:tongue: )

The future looks bleak.
Our cars along with Challengers and Mustangs are already in collector status so there is no need to bring them up in a "future collector car" article.

have to remember it's a "generation" change :redface: hell I like the mid/late 60 performance cars .. kids of today wouldn't know what a 427 Cobra is ... now on the "other" side I look at GNs as everyday driver/beaters .. most small kids have no idea what a GN is :rolleyes: BUT they can rattle off the spec's of a Honduh :eek: :biggrin:
There really is no way to tell what cars are going to be popular in the future. Just because a car comes with a high sticker price means didley squat that people want to collect them. You really gotta look at why cars become collectors items. The best I can come up with is that, there is a connection to the past. Alot of people had olds 60s muscle cars in their youth and want them back. They have a personal connection to the car. Look at the VW bug or bus. Neither are performance cars, yet they are colletable.
Hagerty Insurance, a company that insures collectible automobiles, polled its customers to see which of today's cars collectors would want in the future.

I'd like to see that poll! It's hard to believe that somebody with a mid year Corvette or 60's muscle car would even think of any of those cars on that list. But than isn't Haggerty the outfit that doesn't have an age limit on the types of cars they will insure? What did you expect? Thats CNN for ya. :rolleyes:
Heres the real top 10 collectors car list
2 WE4
3 Turbo T limiteds
4 86 Grand national
5 87 Grand national
6 86 T-type
7 87 Turbo-T
8 86 WH1
9 84 Grand National
10 82 Grand National
Or any order you want as long as the GNX is #1
Heres the real top 10 collectors car list
1 GNX 2 WE4 3 Turbo T limiteds 4 86 Grand National 5 87 Grand national 6 86 T-type 7 87 Turbo-T
8 86 WH1 9 84 Grand National 10 82 Grand National
Or any order you want as long as the GNX is #1
Even though the Pontiac TTA is considered a half-breed or red headed step-child at best, the TTA hardtop will fall in place directly behind the GNX, even for people that just don't like Pontiacs.
I'd put the new Z06 Vett on the list.
Unfortunately, I think that the last collectible vette will be the ZL1, or ZR1, whichever it was, they are stil holding some value for a late model vette. I don't think that any of the Z06's will ever be collectible, or valueable. If you menat on my list, Mike, I am serioulsy looking, but the pocketbook is getting shorter when reality sets in. Haven't cancelled the dream just quite yet.